Visiting Scholar Opportunity (William Yost )

Subject: Visiting Scholar Opportunity
From:    William Yost  <WYOST@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:48:12 -0500

The Parmly Hearing Institute of Loyola University Chicago announces its Visiting Scholar Program. The Program supports a visitor to the Institute who desires to collaborate with one or more of the present faculty on a research project of mutual interest. The faculty of Parmly presently are William Yost, Raymond (Toby) Dye, Stan Sheft, Richard Fay, John New, and J.D. Trout. The period of the Visiting Scholar Program is variable, from several weeks to several months. Funds are available to support the visitor's travel expenses, room and board while here, some research expenses, and a modest stipend. It is the visitor's responsibility to offer two public presentations on his/her research while at Parmly. Applications should include a brief research proposal in an area represented by one of the present faculty, a CV, and letter summarizing your plans and tentative schedule at Parmly. Most Parmly visiting scholars have published a paper based on their visit. Address your application to Richard Fay, Director, Parmly Hearing Institute, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626 (Tel. 773-508-2714).

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