Can we borrow your ears? (Olivia Ladinig )

Subject: Can we borrow your ears?
From:    Olivia Ladinig  <oladinig@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 13 Apr 2006 23:24:51 +0200

Could you please forward the invitation below to those that might be interested in participating in a listening experiment? More specifically, we are looking for listeners (primarily non-musicians) familiar with Jazz and/or Rock. Many thanks in advance, The MCG Team (ILLC/UvA) --------------- [ please feel free to forward this message ] Can we borrow your ears? We would like to invite you to partake in a listening experiment on timing and tempo in music using fragments from the Rock, Jazz and Classical repertoire. All you need is a computer with a broadband internet connection, the ability to playback audio, and -of course- an interest in music. To access the experiment, please follow the link: Five Amazon Gift Certificates will be raffled among all who respond before 15 April 2006. Thanks in advance for your time and ears! Music Cognition Group, Universiteit van Amsterdam ---------------

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