Audio Quality vs Expectation (Slawek Zielinski )

Subject: Audio Quality vs Expectation
From:    Slawek Zielinski  <S.Zielinski@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:28:53 +0100

Dear All, Thank you very much for sending me all the references, both on the list and directly. I was asked to send them back to the list as some other people might be interested in this topic. Slawek Zielinski ____________________ J. G. Beerends and F. E. de Caluwe, "The influence of video quality on perceived audio quality and vice versa", /J. Audio. //Eng.// Soc. / 47(5), 355-362, 1999. M. Lavandier, S. Meunier, P. Herzog, "Perceptual and physical evaluation of differences among a large panel of loudspeakers" Forum Acusticum 2005 R. Bentler, D., Niebuhr, T. Johnson, and G. Flamme, "Impact of digital labeling on outcome measures," Ear and Hearing, vol. 24, pp. 215-224 (2003). Toole, Floyd; Olive, Sean, "Hearing is Believing vs. Believing is Hearing: Blind vs. Sighted Listening Tests and Other Interesting Things", 97th Convention, Audio Eng. Soc., Preprint No. 3894 (1994 Nov.). Woszczyk, Wieslaw; Bech, Søren; Hansen, Villy, "Interaction Between Audio-Visual Factors in a Home Theater System: Definition of Subjective Attributes", 99th Convention, Audio Eng. Soc., Preprint No. 4133 (1995 Sept.). Bodden, Markus (1997). Instrumentation for sound quality evaluation. Acustica/acta acustica, 83, 775 - 783. Furmann, A., Hojan, E., Niewiarowicz, M. & Perz, P. (1990). On the correlation between the subjective evaluation of the sound and the objective evaluation of the acoustic parameters for a selected source. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 38, 837-844. Gabrielsson, A. & Sjögren, H. (1979). Perceived sound quality of sound-reproducing systems. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65, 1010-1033. Huss, C.J., Holt, G.J., Archibald, L. (1985). The highs and lows of double blind testing. Stereophile, 8, No. 5, 1-12. ( Guastavino, C., & Katz, B. (2004). Perceptual evaluation of multi- dimensional spatial audio reproduction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2), 1105-1115.

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