Research Fellow in NEUROSCIENCE OF MUSIC (Andrew Brouse )

Subject: Research Fellow in NEUROSCIENCE OF MUSIC
From:    Andrew Brouse  <brouse@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sat, 8 Apr 2006 15:26:32 -0400

University of Plymouth – Computer Music Research Research Fellow in NEUROSCIENCE OF MUSIC Applications will soon be invited for a two-year (24 months) Research Fellow post in the Faculty of Technology at the University of Plymouth, UK. The commencing date for this post is 01 July 2006 (negotiable). This post will be part of a new EPSRC-funded research project aimed at the development of models and tools for the application of probabilistic machine learning techniques to the analysis of music and brain imaging data on music cognition, to be developed in collaboration with University College London, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (Germany) and Johannes Kepler University of Linz (Austria). Candidates for this post will be expected to have an interdisciplinary background linking Cognitive Neuroscience, Music and Computing, preferably with a PhD on an allied discipline. Experience with EEG and fMRI data collection, preparation and analysis is required. An addition, two new positions (1 PhD scholarship and 1 Research Fellow in Computer Music) connected to this project will be available for start in Jan 07 and Jul 07 respectively. More details about the project and these posts can be found on the web pages at More information about computer music research at the University of Plymouth can be found at Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Eduardo R Miranda on e-mail eduardo.miranda@xxxxxxxx

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