Re: On the use of windows (Eckard Blumschein )

Subject: Re: On the use of windows
From:    Eckard Blumschein  <Eckard.Blumschein@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 7 Apr 2006 09:33:49 +0200

"Crockett, Brett" <BGC@xxxxxxxx> pointed to Louis Fielder at Dolby. The Dolby E coding system uses a number of windows of varying lengths and shapes and Louis did extensive work on optimizing the windows for the coding system. I would like to remind of cochlear spectral analysis. I am claiming that both cochlea and my cosine transform based spectrogram do not at all require an arbitrarily chosen window. In other words: To one side the border is given by elapsed time = 0, but to other side attenuation sets a gradual horizon. Natural optimizing happend within about one hundred millions of years. Awkwardness of traditional technology including FFT is manmade. Regards, Eckard Blumschein

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