news: Music & Gesture 2, 20-23 July 06: booking form (Anthony Gritten )

Subject: news: Music & Gesture 2, 20-23 July 06: booking form
From:    Anthony Gritten  <Anthony.Gritten@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 6 Apr 2006 16:25:34 +0100

Apologies for cross-posting: The booking form for the Second International Conference on Music and Gesture, to be held at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester (UK), 20-23 July 2006, will be available for download from the RNCM website (under 'Research Events') in the next 48 hours or so. The deadline for early registration is Friday 2 June. Best wishes, Anthony. ____________________________________________ Dr Anthony Gritten FRCO Head of Postgraduate Studies and Research Royal Northern College of Music 124 Oxford Road Manchester M13 9RD UK Tel: (44)(0)161-907-5380 Email: anthony [dot] gritten [at] rncm [dot] ac [dot] uk Web:

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