Subject: Re: I need help in my masters thesis -- please read From: "Keith N. Darrow" <kdarrow@xxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 08:49:59 -0400Would you like someone to actually just go ahead and WRITE the thesis for you? Quoting gehan kamel <gehan84@xxxxxxxx>: > > Dear List, > My Name is Gehan Mustafa, I am a masters student and a teacher > assistant in Cairo University (Egypt), Faculty of Computers and > Information, IT Department. My Masters Thesis is a about Cocktail > Party Speech Segregation( CASA and BSS models). If you don’t mind I > have some questions concerning the topic: > 1. The TDOA (Time Delay Of Arrival) of each time/ frequency > region : how is it calculated ? What is TDOA, i.e. what does it > represent when calculated for each time/ frequency region? > 2. How is the local relative level or SNR calculated a priori > for each time frequency regions? > 3. If we use in CASA models the relationship between TDOA and > the local relative level (RL, which is known a priori), this means we > need to have the 2 sources unmixed to calculate the local relative > level. Does this mean that such an algorithm is non-realistic to be > tried out since in real world applications, no one has a priori the > unmixed sources? > 4. In my masters thesis, is it more realistic to work on the > ST-Numbers Database or should I use a database which takes into > account the echoing and reverberation effects, for the sake of being > more realistic and more applicable to real world situations which > normally does contain echo and reverberation. > 5. Do you advise me to work with CASA models or with BSS (Blind > Source Separation) models? Which is more realistic for real-world > applications? I think that BSS models are more realistic and more > appropriate for me to use in my masters thesis. Do you agree with me > or do you have another opinion? > > I would really appreciate it if you could help me out in the > formerly stated points. Thank you very much. > Yours, > Gehan Mustafa > > > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and > 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.