TDT-system: PA4 clicks ("George, E.L.J." )

Subject: TDT-system: PA4 clicks
From:    "George, E.L.J."  <>
Date:    Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:55:20 +0100

Dear colleagues on this list, we are using Windows XP and a standard RS232-cable to operate a TDT-II system, equiped with a PA4. The PA4, however, produces some soft, clicky sound when the attenuation is changed (using PA4atten), even when no input signal is present. Switching between DC- / AC-operation or Auto / Manual mode has no effect. Rewiring the power connectors does not help either. Does anyone recognize this problem and have any hints to a solution ? Thanks in advance, yours sincerely, - Erwin George ------------------------------------------- drs. Erwin L.J. George VU University Medical Center ENT / Audiology p/a Postbus 7057 1007 MB Amsterdam Phone : +31-20-4440963 GSM : +31-6-10549458 Email : ------------------------------------------

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