[DAFx-06] Deadline Extension: April 9, 2006 (Vincent Verfaille )

Subject: [DAFx-06] Deadline Extension: April 9, 2006
From:    Vincent Verfaille  <vincent@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:16:54 -0500

------------------------------ DEADLINE EXTENSION 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effets, DAFx-06 September 18-20, 2006 Montreal, Canada http://www.dafx.ca ------------------------------ Dear Colleagues, Following numerous requirements for deadline extension, the organizing committee has decided to extend the deadline to Sunday April 9, 2006. Note: call for papers and templates can be found at: http://www.dafx.ca/dafx06_call4papers.html Thanks for your interest in this conference! Best regards, Philippe Depalle Associate Professor Schulich School of Music McGill University Montreal, Quebec Canada

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