ICMC 2006 Music Submissions Deadline (park )

Subject: ICMC 2006 Music Submissions Deadline
From:    park  <park@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:18:40 -0600

Please pardon cross postings: ICMC 2006 Music Submission Deadline: Marh 29, 2006 Just a friendly reminder that the music/video/installation deadlines are coming up very soon. Please visit www.icmc2006.org for details. Please note that the videos should arrive at Tulane by the deadline date. All other works can be uploaded so they should be uploaded by the deadline date. Thank you very much. Best, Tae Hong Park, ICMC 2006 Conference Chair

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University