Re: semitone spacing (Bob Masta )

Subject: Re: semitone spacing
From:    Bob Masta  <audio@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sat, 18 Mar 2006 10:04:15 -0500

On 16 Mar 2006 at 16:15, niky prabhu wrote: > I wanted information regarding the exact formula used for the semitone filter spacing. I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for. Western musical semitones are spaced 2^(1/12) apart. The reference is normally the A above Middle C, which is specified as 440 Hz exactly. To find each higher semitone, multiply by 2^(1/12) once for each semitone. To find each lower semitone, divide by 2^(1/12) instead. Best regards, Bob Masta audioATdaqartaDOTcom

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