Re: database of anechoic recordings (Brian Gygi )

Subject: Re: database of anechoic recordings
From:    Brian Gygi  <bgygi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sun, 26 Feb 2006 09:16:26 +0100

Marc, Although most commercial Sound Effects CDs don't have recording information, almost all of them will have a majority of sounds that are anechoic, because most sound designers prefer to add their own reverberation. A good reference for locating environmental sounds for research is Shafiro, V. & Gygi, B. (2004). How to select stimuli for environmental sound research and where to find them? Beh. Res. Meth., Instr. & Comp 36(4), 590–598. I can send you an electronic copy if you like. Brian Gygi Acoustics Research Institute Vienna, Austria

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