Sound Source Segregation and head motion (Fred Herzfeld )

Subject: Sound Source Segregation and head motion
From:    Fred Herzfeld  <herzfeld(at)ALUM.MIT.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:55:28 -0500

Hi List Members, I was hoping that I would get my web site up but it is not yet functioning. I therefore want to let everyone know that I have what looks like a working model of the casa problem. While it will NOT separate multiple sound sources coming from the same identical speaker (there the work of Al Bregman comes into play) it will accurately determine for any number of locations in 3-D space and for each such point the frequency content, the phase angles between harmonics, the amplitude at the source of each harmonic and the delay from that point in space to a SINGLE receiver. As far as I can tell it is the method used by the CF bats, the FM bats and the odontocetes. The mathematics is extremely simple. It explains the precedence effect, reverberation, the function of HRTF and and why some bats have moving ears (CF bats) and some have immobile ears (FM bats). I have 3 MS Word documents which I will send upon request. (I don't want to send attachments to the entire list) Document 1..Draft of letter to Nature. 56 KB Document 2..Draft of Patent Application without claims 100 KB If in some of your papers or publications you use the expressions in-harmonic, an-harmonic or some other expression instead "non-resolvable" please also request: Document 3.. "The Fundamental Frequency of a Vibration" MS Word 30 KB Please request by document number. I will send each as a single attachment to separate e-mails. Fred -- Fred Herzfeld, MIT '54 78 Glynn Marsh Drive #59 Brunswick, Ga.31525 USA Tel: (912) 262-1276

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