PEAQ Advanced model (Goran Bozidar Markovic )

Subject: PEAQ Advanced model
From:    Goran Bozidar Markovic  <mr97411(at)ALAS.MATF.BG.AC.YU>
Date:    Fri, 16 Dec 2005 18:47:06 +0100

Hello to all who are reading this. I have implemented advanced model of PEAQ (ITU BS.1387-1) as part of my master thesis and checked it many times. But I am unable to get ODG for conformance test as it is given in table 23 of BS.1387. Values of MOVs from FFT ear model match very closely, but values of MOVs from filterbank differ a lot, especially AvgLinDistA. In order to test my code, I have also implemented some parts of Basic model - AvgModDiff1B and RmsNoiseLoudB. Values of those 2 MOVs differ significantly from reference values in conformance test, but are almost identical to values from EAQUAL and PQevalAudio. Please help me to identify the problem.

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