Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Feb 2005 to 10 Feb 2005 (#2005-26) (Abeer Alwan )

Subject: Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Feb 2005 to 10 Feb 2005 (#2005-26)
From:    Abeer Alwan  <abeera(at)ICSL.UCLA.EDU>
Date:    Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:03:35 -0800

Re: consonant database If you're interested in a CV database, you may go to our website: then click on Demos, Illustrations, and Database and you will find a downloadable CV database which we recorded almost 10 years ago by, then Ph.D. studnet, Brian Strope. The database has 1728 Cvs (8 tokens for each of 18 consonants in 3 vowel contexts recorded by 2 males and 2 females). Regards, Abeer

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