Re: Instruction for subjects (Pierre Divenyi )

Subject: Re: Instruction for subjects
From:    Pierre Divenyi  <pdivenyi(at)EBIRE.ORG>
Date:    Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:32:39 -0700

Fatima, Is there a gap/noise burst in both stimuli of the trial? If yes, I would ask the question "Were the breaks in the glide identical?" If only one of them had the break, tell them "One of the glides have a break -- ignore it and just decide if the two glides were the same or not". Pierre At 10:42 AM 10/25/2005, FATIMA HUSAIN wrote: >Dear List > >I am running some pilot behavioral studies of auditory continuity illusion >(aka temporal induction). >The sounds are FM sweeps with gaps or noise-inserted gaps. >For various reasons I am running them as "same/different" trials, >wth the first sound of the trial being a regular FM sweep and the >second one being >the modified FM sweep. > >When I ask the subjects, "Is the second sound as continuous as the >first sound?" they become confused. > >Even FM sweeps with much-louder noise inserted in the gap are >considered by some subjects to be not very continuous. (contrary to literature) > >How do I change my instructions (basically, the confusion is around the >word 'continuous')? Or change the task? > >Any ideas? > >Thanks > >Fatima T. Husain, Ph.D. >NIDCD/NIH >Bldg. 10/ Room 8S-235D >Phone: 301-594-7758

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