Music and Consciousness conference (Eric Clarke )

Subject: Music and Consciousness conference
From:    Eric Clarke  <e.f.clarke(at)SHEFFIELD.AC.UK>
Date:    Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:31:57 +0100

Conference on Music and Consciousness 24­26 February 2006, University of Sheffield, UK A conference jointly organised by The University of Sheffield Department of Music and The University of Newcastle¹s International Centre for Music Studies. Sponsored by the Society for Music Analysis (SMA) and the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). The last 10 years or so have seen the emergence of consciousness studies as a multi-disciplinary field of inquiry, partly driven by rapid developments in the neurosciences, but also stimulated by renewed interest within philosophy and the arts and humanities more generally. There is a long history of thought about the relationship between music and consciousness, and this conference is intended as a forum to bring together the diverse fields within which that thinking has gone on. The aim of the conference is therefore to approach the subject in as broad and inclusive a manner as possible, to provide an opportunity to discover different ways in which the relationship has been theorised and described, and to propose some of the ways in which future research and practice might develop. The conference will consist entirely of plenary sessions so as to enable the most inclusive and wide-ranging participation, and significant amounts of time will be allocated for discussion. Given overlapping terminology and different intellectual traditions, proposals are invited for papers addressing any aspects of music and consciousness, music and subjectivity, music and altered states, music and subjective experience, and the historical and cultural mediations of thinking about music and consciousness. Abstracts for papers of 30 minutes duration should be sent by email to e.f.Clarke(at) or d.i.Clarke(at), bearing in mind the following guidelines: * abstract of not more than 200 words * include your institutional affiliation and provide clear contact details DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS: 14 October 2005 You will be notified of the outcome by 11 November 2005. Conference directors: David Clarke (University of Newcastle, UK), Eric Clarke (University of Sheffield, UK)

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