Seeking Product Developer/Manager for Consumer Electronics Device (Daniel Gastel )

Subject: Seeking Product Developer/Manager for Consumer Electronics Device
From:    Daniel Gastel  <dgastel(at)HOTMAIL.COM>
Date:    Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:45:51 -0400

Dear List, We're seeking an executive or manager to develop a product for a consumer electronics startup. The venture is well funded and based in New York. We're looking for someone who has developed in the past audio, telecommunications, or computer devices (such as remote controls, speech recognition devices, electronic door locks, modems or similar components) to work for 6-12 months full-time as an independent contractor. His/her responsibilities will include reviewing and testing existing technology and hardware, producing a “breadboard” prototype based on our functional design, testing the reliability of the selected embedded components on at least 200 untrained subjects, persuading me and my partners that the device can be manufactured in quantity at the costs we envisage, and during the technical development period outlined above, exploring with telephone companies, VARs, distributors and retailers the potential channels of distribution for the product. If these initial studies appear promising, the responsibilities will extend to setting up a new company with appropriate personnel to finalize the development and commercialization of the product. Please respond with your resume and cover letter including salary requirements (if you choose). Regards, Daniel Gastel

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University