Re: 2d and 3d sound localization (Professor Leslie Smith )

Subject: Re: 2d and 3d sound localization
From:    Professor Leslie Smith  <l.s.smith(at)CS.STIR.AC.UK>
Date:    Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:57:04 +0100

Hussein Slim wrote that "the problem is perfectly solvable by the traditional cross correlation function" and this is quite true in simulation. Unfortunately (i) real environments are reverberant, and (ii) cross-correlation on periodic sounds has a tendency to place its peaks at multiples of the period (unsurprisingly). Between these two issues, cross-correlation can be slightly less than perfect. In fact, better results can be obtained by using cross-correlation at the onsets of the sound. I presented this at ASA Vancouver, May 2005 (see --Leslie Smith -- Professor Leslie S. Smith, Dept of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland l.s.smith(at) Tel (44) 1786 467435 Fax (44) 1786 464551 www UKRI IEEE NNS Chapter Chair: -- The University of Stirling is a university established in Scotland by charter at Stirling, FK9 4LA. Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you may not disclose, copy or deliver this message to anyone and any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to Internet email for messages of this kind.

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