Re: Unix play command (Christophe Pallier )

Subject: Re: Unix play command
From:    Christophe Pallier  <pallier(at)LSCP.EHESS.FR>
Date:    Wed, 13 Jul 2005 07:24:55 +0200

I don't know about MacOSX, but on several unixes, 'play' is just a more or less elaborated script that writes on '/dev/audio' or '/dev/snd' The 'sox' package includes such a script. Maybe it can be installed on MacOS X (?) Christophe Pallier beaucham wrote: > Practically every Unix system I've used since about 1990 sports a play > command that simply plays back a file without the need for a special > GUI app -- including Linux. Some of them even had record commands. I > find this very convenient, especially when working with shell scripts > and simple C programs. However, my OS X 10.1 Terminal app (which > emulates a Unix terminal) doesn't do it. Does anyone know if more > recent OS X systems do? > > Jim

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