Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones. (Emilio Renard )

Subject: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.
From:    Emilio Renard  <renard_es(at)YAHOO.COM>
Date:    Sat, 25 Jun 2005 04:30:25 -0500

Dear all: I am a new member of Auditory list. (I´m sorry!, I don´t speak english, so my english is bad). I would like know if there is some studies about the perception of sequentials tones as simultaneous tones. More specifically, I would like know if a sequence of two (musical) tones, they very rapid and without silence between they, can be heard simultaneously, as a chord. And if it is so, I would like know the physical conditions for that it occur. Sincerely, Emilio. __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya -

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