Speech rate modeling in synthetic speech (Sascha Fagel )

Subject: Speech rate modeling in synthetic speech
From:    Sascha Fagel  <sascha.fagel(at)TU-BERLIN.DE>
Date:    Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:56:26 +0200

Dear list, I am looking for (sub segmental) speech rate models implemented in speech synthesizers (segmental reduction etc. is a bit out of my focus). Synthetic speech at low rate e.g. with MBROLA often sounds like slow motion speech and at high rate it sounds time compressed and hyperarticulated. Are there synthesizers that implement different speech rates adequately? And if so, how do they do that? Any hints and refs are welcome. Best regards Sascha ****************************************** Dr. Sascha Fagel Technical University Berlin Communication Science Secr. TEL10-1 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 10587 Berlin Fon +49(30)314-24527 Fax +49(30)314-79883 Email: sascha.fagel(at)tu-berlin.de http://fourier.kgw.tu-berlin.de/fagel.html ******************************************

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