ICAD Auditory Graphing Symposium update (Bruce Walker )

Subject: ICAD Auditory Graphing Symposium update
From:    Bruce Walker  <bruce.walker(at)PSYCH.GATECH.EDU>
Date:    Fri, 3 Jun 2005 15:40:26 -0400

Dear Auditory Display Researchers, (please pardon crossposts) The papers that will be presented at the First International Symposium on Auditory Graphs (AGS2005), held Sunday June 10 in Limerick, Ireland, in conjunction with the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), are now available on the AGS2005 website (URL below). They will also be in ICAD Proceedings. We have been delighted at the variety and quality of the submissions, and are positive that they will provide an excellent and diverse foundation for our discussions at the Symposium. AGS URL: http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/ags2005/index.html (and click on "Accepted Papers") For more details on the full ICAD conference, see http://www.icad.org, and follow the link to ICAD 2005 in Limerick. Warm regards, AGS2005 Organizers Bruce Walker Georgia Tech Terri Bonebright DePauw University Camille Peres Rice University ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruce Walker, Ph.D. bruce.walker(at)psych.gatech.edu School of Psychology (404) 894-8265 (office) Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-8905 (fax) Atlanta, Georgia, 30332-0170 (404) 874-1618 (home) Web: http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/~walkerb/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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