Subject: 1-year CNRS position in Bordeaux From: Laurent Demany <Laurent.Demany(at)PSYAC.U-BORDEAUX2.FR> Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 20:03:46 +0200<html> <body> <font size=3D3>A one-year position of "associate foreign researcher" at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is available in our laboratory, from october 1, 2005, to september 30, 2006.<br> Such positions are intended for non-French persons having a PhD (or an equivalent diploma). The salary depends on the candidate's professional status. Speaking french is not mandatory.<br> We look for someone who would work in the domain of auditory perception. Our laboratory is a good place to do experiments in psychoacoustics: we have two double-walled soundproof booths and lots of computers and headphones. In the immediate neighborhood, there is also a possibility to perform brain-imaging studies (fMRI and EEG).<br> For more information, please contact me quickly by email. <br><br> <x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep> Laurent Demany<br> Directeur de recherche au CNRS<br> Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie, UMR CNRS 5543,<br> BP 63, Universit=E9 Victor Segalen - Bordeaux 2,<br> 146 rue Leo Saignat, F-33076 Bordeaux Cedex, France<br> Tel : +33 5 5757 1651 or +33 5 5757 1551<br> Fax : +33 5 5690 1421<br> email : Laurent.Demany(at)<br> <a href=3D"" eudora=3D"autourl"><br><br> </a></font></body> </html>