IWINAC-2005. Call for papers: Information Coding Mechanisms in ("Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda" )

Subject: IWINAC-2005. Call for papers: Information Coding Mechanisms in
From:    "Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda"  <ealopezpoveda(at)USAL.ES>
Date:    Thu, 20 Jan 2005 09:47:28 +0100

Call For Papers Session: Information Coding Mechanisms in the Brain Conference: INTERNATIONAL WORK-CONFERENCE ON THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL COMPUTATION (http://www.iwinac.uned.es/) Canary Islands (Spain) June 15 ­ 18 2005 Dear Colleagues: It is our pleasure to announce the pre-organized session entitled “Information Coding Mechanisms in the Brain” of the International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC-2005). You can find further details (topics, motivation, submission, etc.) in the following website: http://www-gsi.dec.usc.es/iwinac05/iwinac05_coding_topics.htm Session topics: The workshop welcomes both experimental and computational work, emphasizing multidisciplinary papers, in order to present new experimental evidences and discuss the proposed theoretical frameworks. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Models and experimental results in sensory systems * Synchronization mechanisms underlying neural coding * Population coding * Redundant versus compact codes * Specificity versus generality of neural codes among sensory systems * Spatiotemporal coding Papers on information coding in the auditory system are particularly welcome. Session and Conference Key dates: * February 15, 2005: Deadline for electronic submission * April 1, 2005: Notification of acceptance or rejection * June 15-18, 2005: IWINAC conference Session Scientific Committe: Eduardo M. Sánchez Vila (Session Organizer) University of Santiago de Compostela. E-mail: eduardos(at)usc.es Luis Martínez Otero University of La Coruña E-mail: lmo(at)udc.es Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda University of Salamanca E-mail: ealopezpoveda(at)usal.es Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda, Ph.D. Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León Universidad de Salamanca, Avda. Alfonso X "El Sabio" s/n 37007 Salamanca, Spain. Tel. +34-923 294 500 ext. 1957 Fax. +34-923 294 730 E-mail: ealopezpoveda(at)usal.es http://web.usal.es/~ealopezpoveda

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