Re: Sound cards (Stephen Neely )

Subject: Re: Sound cards
From:    Stephen Neely  <neely(at)BOYSTOWN.ORG>
Date:    Thu, 5 May 2005 09:47:18 -0500

Keith, There's a nice comparison of soundcards on the PC AV Tech web site. A few labs at BTNRH have been using the DAL CardDeluxe for several years and we continue to be very pleased with its performance. (However, for applications that require synchronous I/O, such as otoacoustic emissions, the newer WDM driver is unsatisfactory and we continue to use the older MME driver.) Our Auditory Physiology Lab uses the Lynx L22, which is more suitable for animal work because it can sample at 192 kHz. If you are looking for a less expensive card, some people here are pleased with the performance of the M-Audio Audiophile 2496, which is sold some places for under $100. The Echo Gina24 has the advantage of 8 outputs. It is being replaced by the Gina3G, which has 6 outputs (and two inputs). If you're looking for a PCMCIA card, we've tested the Indigo io, also from Echo. It's a little noisier than the CardDeluxe, but still has excellent performance and is capable of synchronous I/O both under Windows and Linux. We are currently working on library of soundcard functions to facilitate locally developed software in several of our auditory research labs. We plan to make this library publicly available within the next few months. -- Stephen Neely ================================================================== Stephen T. Neely, D.Sc. OFFICE: +1-402-498-6751 Boys Town National Research Hospital FAX: +1-402-498-6351 555 North 30th Street E-MAIL: Neely(at)BoysTown.ORG Omaha, NE 68131 ================================================================== > Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 11:55:52 -0500 > From: "Keith R. Kluender" <krkluend(at)WISC.EDU> > Subject: Sound cards > > I am seeking advice on the best sound cards for PCs for both recording and > listening experiments. > > The primary requirement is S/N on input and output. I know that long ago, > Turtle Beach was a favorite, but I don't know what's best today. > > Thanks -- Keith

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