Re: Sound cards (Brian Gygi )

Subject: Re: Sound cards
From:    Brian Gygi  <bgygi(at)EBIRE.ORG>
Date:    Thu, 5 May 2005 05:42:25 +0200

At 06:55 PM 5/4/2005, Keith R. Kluender wrote: >I am seeking advice on the best sound cards for PCs for both recording and >listening experiments. > >The primary requirement is S/N on input and output. I know that long ago, >Turtle Beach was a favorite, but I don't know what's best today. Keith (and list) A couple of years ago the lab I was in looked around for new sound cards. We put a posting on this list, and I think I still have the recommendations people sent (if you do an auditory list search on PC sounds cards you will probably find them) but since that was two years ago I'm not sure how valid the suggestions are. Some people also sent links to some websites evaluating various sound cards which are still live although I'm not sure how recently they awere updated: >> >>and >> Anyway, we ended up getting the Echo Gina 24 sounds cards which got very good ratings in the benchmark tests and were quite affordable. I don't think Echo makes them anymore, but their product line is generally pretty. Anyway, if you want the complete of recommendations I can send them to you. Hope this helps. Brian

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