'Persistance of hearing' (Craig Nicol )

Subject: 'Persistance of hearing'
From:    Craig Nicol  <craig.nicol(at)GMAIL.COM>
Date:    Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:00:49 +0100

I've been looking at Timbre Spaces for a while, in particular the spaces by Grey in the 1970s. In one of his papers he mentions an experiment where two sounds are chosen (let's call them A and B), and a set of sounds is generated morphing from A to B. What he discovered is that there is a hysteresis effect when listening to the morphing, i.e. If the sounds are played from A to B, the listener will report hearing A for over half the samples whereas if the sounds are played from B to A, the listener will report hearing B for more samples. I am vaguely aware of similar optical illusions such as persistence of vision and I was wondering if anyone could direct me to more information on this effect in hearing as I want to know if this effect is particular to the timbre space or is a product of human perception. Regards, Craig Nicol.

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