Call for Papers: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (Hugo de Paula )

Subject: Call for Papers: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music
From:    Hugo de Paula  <hugodepaula(at)GMX.NET>
Date:    Sun, 13 Mar 2005 10:44:54 -0300

Preliminary Call for Papers The 10th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music X Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical Poços de Caldas, Brazil, October 3-5, 2005 The Symposium ============= The Brazilian symposia on computer music have consolidated the position of the country in the field. The 10th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music will be held in Poços de Caldas, in conjunction with the Latin American Symposium on Multimedia and Web. The symposium is organized by the Computer Music special interest group of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). This will be a unique opportunity to visit Poços de Caldas, a beautiful and quiet town in the heart of Latin America. In addition to the traditional main papers track, the symposium will also host concerts, music papers, posters, and invited talks on topics at the cutting edge of computer music science and technology. Computer scientists and musicians interested in the interplay between computer technology and music are invited to submit their work. Enhanced and extended versions of the best SBCM papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. Topics of Interest ================== The topics of this symposium include, but are not limited to: o Acoustics, Diffusion, Sonorization o Artificial Intelligence o Artificial Life and Evolutionary Music Systems o Audio Hardware Design o Audio Digital Signal Processing o Computer-Aided Music Analysis o Computer-Aided Musical Education o Computer-Aided Musicology o Distributed Music o Internet and Web Applications o Music and Audio in Multimedia Systems and Applications o Music Data Structures and Representation o Music Information Retrieval o Music Notation, Printing, and Optical Recognition o Quality of Service for Audio o Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Modeling o Real-time Interactive Systems o Software Systems and Languages for Composition o Sound Synthesis Organization ============ General Chairs: Hugo Bastos de Paula (PUC-Minas, Brazil) Maurício Loureiro (CEFALA/UFMG, Brazil) Technical Papers Chair: Fabio Kon (IME/USP, Brazil) Music Papers Chair: Jônatas Manzolli (Unicamp, Brazil) Posters Chair: Régis Rossi Faria (LSI/USP, Brazil) Concerts Chair: Sérgio Freire (UFMG, Brazil) Proceedings Editor: Hani C. Yehia (UFMG, Brazil) Technical Papers Program Committee ================================== Adolfo Maia Jr. (Unicamp, Brazil) Lelio Camilleri (U. Firenze, Italy) Aluizio Arcela (UNB, Brazil) Luis Jure (U. Republica, Uruguay) Andrew Horner (HKUST, Hong Kong) Marcelo Queiroz (USP, Brazil) Chris Chafe (Stanford U., USA) Marcelo Soares Pimenta (UFRGS,Brazil) Edilson Ferneda (UCB, Brazil) Marcelo Wanderley (McGill U., Canada) Eduardo Reck Miranda (U. Plymouth, UK) Márcio Brandão (UnB, Brazil) Emilios Cambouropoulos (AUTH, Greece) Matthew Wright, (UC Berkeley/Stanford U., USA) Fabio Kon (USP, Brazil) (chair) Maurício Loureiro (UFMG, Brazil) Flavio S. C. Silva (USP, Brazil) Oscar Pablo di Liscia (UNQ,Argentina) François Déchelle (IRCAM, France) Palle Dahlstedt (Chalmers U. Technology, Sweden) Furio Damiani (Unicamp, Brazil) Peter Beyls (Hogeschool Gent,Belgium) Geber Ramalho (UFPE, Brazil) Petri Toiviainen (U. Jyvaskyla, Finland) Gérard Assayag (IRCAM, France) Roger Dannenberg (CMU, USA) Hani C. Yehia (UFMG, Brazil) Rosa Maria Vicari (UFRGS, Brazil) Henkjan Honing (U. Amsterdam) Sever Tipei (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA) Ian Whalley (U. Waikato, New Zealand) Victor Lazzarini (NUI, Ireland) Jürgen Bräuninger (U. KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) Music Papers Program Committee ============================== Carlos Palombini (UFMG, Brazil) Mikahil Malt (IRCAM, France) Didier Guigue (UFPB, Brazil) Ricardo dal Farra (U. Tres de Febrero, Argentina) Fernando Iazzetta (USP, Brazil) Robert Willey (University of Louisiana, USA) Garnett Guy (U. Illinois UC, USA) Rodolfo Caeser (UFRJ, Brazil) Heinrich K. Taube (U. Illinois, USA) Sílvio Ferraz (Unicamp, Brazil) Submissions =========== Full-paper submissions, music papers, and posters will be submitted via the EDAS online system starting May, 2005. Technical papers, up to 12 pages long, are supposed to present original research with scientific contributions. Music papers, up to 12 pages long, describe the experience of composers and users of computational tools to produce music. Posters will be selected based on 2-page extended abstracts and are meant to describe unfinished ongoing work. Papers can be written in English (preferred), Portuguese, or Spanish and must conform to the SBC style ( Submissions should be preferably in PDF (with Type 1, vectorial fonts). Postscript is also acceptable. If you are completely unable to provide your paper in PDF or PS, then Word .doc can be accepted. Deadlines ========= Technical Papers: 17 June 2005 Music Papers: 17 June 2005 Notification of Acceptance: 29 July 2005 Posters: 8 August 2005 SBCM'2005: 3-5 October 2005 More Information ================ For further information, please visit the symposium home page at For questions regarding the technical papers, contact Fabio Kon (kon at, for music papers, contact Jonatas Manzolli (jonatas at For other inquiries contact the symposium general organizers Hugo de Paula (hugo at or Maurício Loureiro (mauricioloureiro at -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.7.2 - Release Date: 11/3/2005

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