Subject: Re: Reality check From: Pierre Divenyi <pdivenyi(at)EBIRE.ORG> Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 12:10:40 -0800Music appreciation by r/cats? OK -- my hat in the ring. When he was of an age between kitten and adolescent, one of my cats (Boulez, a Maine coon of 17 lbs) used to take naps between the strings and the lid of my piano (which did impede my playing) and got used to sit on the piano when I was playing. However, he failed to tell me 'til this day which composer he liked most, so I am still uncertain as to whether it was the sounds or the vibration that drove him to spending time around the piano. I guess I never really took his behavior seriously enough to run a single-cat experiment and I am ashamed to admit that I have never lost sleep over it. Pierre