ICMC2005 Paper Deadline less than 10 days away (Fabien Gouyon )

Subject: ICMC2005 Paper Deadline less than 10 days away
From:    Fabien Gouyon  <fgouyon(at)IUA.UPF.ES>
Date:    Thu, 24 Feb 2005 19:30:33 +0100

Dear list, Please note that the ICMC 2005 ( September / Barcelona ) paper submission is less than 10 days away! We urge everyone to post their papers to the suvisoft system as soon as possible to prevent any last minute problems. For details on submissions see http://www.icmc2005.org/ You can also contact Bram de Jong <bdejong(at)iua.upf.es> if you need more details or extra information. kindest regards, The ICMC 2005 team

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