Mailbox index - postings/2005
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1 jan01 Christine Rankov(5k) Re: The calculation of Speech Intelligibility Index<<Chas: Please send me a copy
2 jan01 Reinhart Frosch (6k) Tsunamis.<<Many List members will have noticed that tsunamis are similar to Béké
3 jan03 =?iso-8859-1?Q?B(4k) Music Transmission Index?<<Dear List Recent postings about the AI, STI and SII m
4 jan05 Paul Iverson (6k) PSP2005 Final Call For Papers<<FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (Submissions due Feb 1) ISC
5 jan06 gandhi ambalam (4k) Need help in Auditory based speech recognition<<--0-1367268098-1105012020=:21417
6 jan06 Guoping Wang (8k) Re: Need help in Auditory based speech recognition<<This is a multi-part message
7 jan11 Christine Rankov(7k) Re: Music Transmission Index?<<Michael and List Readers: I don't know of an inde
8 jan11 Richard Etter (5k) CALL FOR PAPERS - International Workshop on Auditory Display for<<Dear List Rea
9 jan11 Chris Share (4k) Student Interested in Music Transmission Index as a Possible<<Hi, I'm a research
10 jan11 David Prince (5k) Re: Student Interested in Music Transmission Index as a Possible<<Perhaps those
11 jan11 William C. Treur(4k) Re: Music Transmission Index?<<In 1998 and 2001, the International Telecommunica
12 jan11 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(15k) Re: Music Transmission Index<<This message is in MIME format. Since your mail re
13 jan12 John G. Beerends(6k) Re: Student Interested in Music Transmission Index as a Possible<<In addition to
14 jan12 Graham Naylor (6k) Re: Music Transmission Index?<<Dear List, The Speech Transmission Index (STI) is
15 jan12 Ben Hornsby (8k) High output headphones<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_Nex
16 jan12 Chatterjee, Moni(4k) Research Associate/ Post Doc position<<A Research Associate/ Post doc position i
17 jan12 Brad Ingrao (10k) Re: High output headphones<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=
18 jan13 ayce dosemeciler(4k) Subjective Speech Intelligibility Tests<<Dear list members, We would like to app
19 jan13 Chris Share (3k) Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<Hi, I'm interested in analysing music
20 jan13 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<What a coincidence! In today's Fa
21 jan13 beaucham (5k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<Hi Chris, This is a subject that
22 jan13 Brian Gygi (4k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<In Malcolm Slaney's Auditory Tool
23 jan13 Tony Miller (6k) A Virtual 3D Model of a Human Temporal Bone for Windows,<<Some list members may
24 jan13 Deniz Baskent (15k) Subjective Speech Intelligibility Tests<<This is a multi-part message in MIME fo
25 jan13 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<The trouble with Dolly's definiti
26 jan14 Philip Dorrell (6k) Book Announcement: "What is Music? Solving a Scientific Mystery"<<To the auditor
27 jan14 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<The inharmonicity of piano string
28 jan17 David Gunawan (4k) Modelling of musical instrument spectra<<Dear list, I am looking for spectral mo
29 jan17 beaucham (5k) Re: Modelling of musical instrument spectra<<Dave, There are quite a lot of pape
30 jan17 Robert Zatorre (4k) Music and Neurosciences meeting: Leipzig, May 5-8 2005<<Dear Colleagues Allow me
31 jan18 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?H(7k) Ph.D. positions in Denmark<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -------
32 jan20 DAT (11k) "Cortical Dementias =?windows-1252?Q?=96_Cognitive_Deficits_?=<<This is a multi-
33 jan20 Enrique A. Lopez(6k) IWINAC-2005. Call for papers: Information Coding Mechanisms in<<Call For Papers
34 jan20 Dan Ellis (7k) CfP: Special Issue on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing<<Dear List - A
35 jan20 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) intelligibility or other data for original PAL PB-50s?<<Hello List - I'm getting
36 jan21 Harvey Holmes (12k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<Chris and Others, I assume here t
37 jan21 Peter Balazs (6k) HASSIP Workshop 'Application Of Time Frequency Analysis In<< This is an announce
38 jan21 Reinhart Frosch (6k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<My posting of January 15 was a re
39 jan21 beaucham (6k) Inharmonicity definition and measurement<<Reinhart, Harvey, Chris, and others: M
40 jan22 Judy Brown (4k) Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<I have a paper measuring this ratio p
41 jan23 Harvey Holmes (8k) Re: Definition and Measurement of Harmonicity<<Jim, Reinhart, Chris and Others,
42 jan23 Jont Allen (13k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 21 Jan 2005 to 22 Jan 2005 (#2005-14)<<In the article belo
43 jan25 chen-gia tsai (6k) 'Quintina' in Sardinian polyphonic songs: virtual voices or<<Dear list members,
44 jan26 Aisha Thorn (3k) resynthesis<<Dear list, I'd like to resynthesize sounds from the output of a gam
45 jan26 Ramin Pichevar (4k) TR: resynthesis<<Aisha, Please have a look at the following link: http://www-edu
46 jan26 Yoshiko Yamada (4k) Measuring dB levels of sounds produced by headphones<<Dear list members, I'd lik
47 jan26 DeLiang Wang (4k) Re: resynthesis<<We have been using an algorithm introduced by Weintraub and cle
48 jan26 Brad Ingrao (5k) Re: Measuring dB levels of sounds produced by headphones<<Yashiko, The ER 7c (ht
49 jan27 Volker Hohmann (5k) Re: TR: resynthesis<<Ramin Pichevar wrote: > Aisha, > Please have a look at the
50 jan27 Graham Naylor (8k) Job openings in hearing aid research in Denmark<<Dear list members, We at Oticon
51 jan27 Reinhart Frosch (6k) Re: 'Quintina' in Sardinian polyphonic songs: virtual voices or<<Combination ton
52 jan27 ajith kumar (6k) Amplitude Modulatios in speech<<--0-1678473981-1106846119=:33758 Content-Type:
53 jan27 Ward R. Drennan (5k) Position Announcement: Signal Processing Engineer<<SIGNAL PROCESSING ENGINEER VM
54 jan28 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Minor third<<Dear List, I have received the following inquiry which I an relayin
55 jan28 Brian Gygi (5k) Re: Minor third<<I am curious just how "universal" this "universal" is. I have s
56 jan28 ismail uysal (6k) Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<--0-172994525-110694781
57 jan28 Elyse Sussman (7k) Re: Minor third<<My understanding of the "universal" is that you have to go to a
58 jan28 Al Bregman (4k) Minor third<<Dear List, Jeremy Day-O'Connell wrote (via Pierre Divenyi): "My own
59 jan29 Christian Kaernb(5k) Minor third<<Dear List, In a very speculative way one could assume that one reas
60 jan29 Brian Gygi (5k) Re: Minor third<<This is from a friend of mine who is a music educator as well a
61 jan29 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<On Fri, 28 Jan 2005
62 jan29 Reinhart Frosch (4k) Re: Minor third<<I believe that the notes of "Johnny is a ba-by" are G4 G4 E4 A4
63 jan29 Jeremy Day-O'Con(6k) Minor third calls<<Dear Colleagues, As the author of the original query, allow m
64 jan29 beaucham (4k) digital filter design<<Does someone have a good answer for this student? Jim Bea
65 jan29 Mark W Penningto(4k) Minor third<<Dear List, I'm rather intrigued by the similarity of the frequency
66 jan30 Koen Tanghe (5k) Re: digital filter design<<On Sunday, January 30, 2005 12:39 AM [GMT+1=CET], bea
67 jan30 Harvey Holmes (6k) Re: digital filter design<<The only textbook I know that actually discusses the
68 jan29 Richard F. Lyon (5k) Re: digital filter design<<> > From: Farsheed <> > > >> For my
69 jan30 Ramdas Kumaresan(6k) Re: digital filter design<<Farsheed, Also take a look at L.B.Jackson's text book
70 jan30 akartik1 narayan(8k) Literature on N1P2 complex (ACC)<<--0-1109964300-1107098438=:90299 Content-Type:
71 jan30 Pierre Divenyi (8k) Re: Minor third calls<<Jeremy, My take on the minor-third issue is as follows: F
72 jan30 Brian Gygi (5k) Minor thirds and background noise<<In general, environmental sounds have a 1/f s
73 jan30 Laura Dilley (22k) Re: Minor third<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_0
74 jan31 Chris Sumner (7k) Position announcement at IHR: Career Development Fellow.<<CAREER DEVELOPMENT FEL
75 jan31 Yu SONG (4k) Clean speech recordings<<Dear list members, I am looking for some clean speech r
76 jan31 Brad Ingrao (4k) Re: Clean speech recordings<<Contact William Carver at Auditec of St. Louis. The
77 jan31 Maher, Rob (5k) Re: digital filter design<<I've had good results using the "embedded all-pass fi
78 jan31 Harold Fiske (7k) New book<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_ii2NWZLAl1
79 jan31 Richard F. Lyon (7k) Re: digital filter design, Lee Jackson, etc.<<At 04:26 AM 1/30/2005, Ramdas Kuma
80 jan31 ismail uysal (7k) Re: Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<--0-1460425948-1107
81 feb01 Matt Flax (7k) Re: Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<--8t9RHnE3ZwKMSgU+
82 feb01 Mark Hasegawa-Jo(8k) Re: Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<Hi, I'm not sure if
83 feb01 Sam Roweis (4k) Re: Speech(or Phase) Reconstruction from Magnitude Spectrum<<Brendan Frey, Kanna
84 feb07 Arne =?ISO-8859(10k) Announcement of International Symposium on Hearing Aid Fitting<<Dette er en bes
85 feb09 Gopikrishna Allu(4k) Consonant speech database<<Dear Members, I am working on a project where I need
86 feb10 Boris Kleber (5k) Firewire 410 with AKG 420<<<html><style>p {margin: 0px}</style><body bgcolor=3D'
87 feb10 Olivier Crouzet (6k) Re: Consonant speech database<<--Signature=_Thu__10_Feb_2005_12_04_45_+0100_S54O
88 feb10 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) Re: Consonant speech database<<Depending on your specific needs, perhaps a recor
89 feb10 beaucham (5k) Re: Firewire 410 with AKG 420<<Can you post your message again in straight text?
90 feb10 Boris Kleber (4k) Firewire 410 with AKG 420<<Appologies for double posting. Apparently the message
91 feb10 yund (5k) Re: Consonant speech database<<I have live voice recording of CUNY nonsense syll
92 feb12 Abeer Alwan (4k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Feb 2005 to 10 Feb 2005 (#2005-26)<<Re: consonant databa
93 feb14 Stephen McAdams (5k) McGill-Fulbright Chair available<<CIRMMT is delighted to announce that a Visitin
94 feb19 Charith Giragama(5k) Distortion vs Intensity<<--------------6BBE46DBFD9A8F3836474BBC Content-Type: te
95 feb19 Richard H. (4k) Speech shaped noise .WAV or other sample?<<Hi, I am trying to test some modern d
96 feb20 Bob Masta (3k) Re: Speech shaped noise .WAV or other sample?<<Richard: One easy way to create s
97 feb20 Richard H. (4k) Sound Level Meter for Windows?<<Hi, First: many thanks to Stefan & Bob for their
98 feb20 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(4k) cocktail party effect<<Dear all, does someone know about an article on the subje
99 feb20 Bernhard Seeber (6k) Re: Speech shaped noise<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ----------
100 feb20 Pierre Divenyi (6k) Re: Speech shaped noise<<Hi Richard, The problem with Bernhard's routine is that
101 feb21 Dan Ellis (5k) Bill Cole: Speech-shaped noise<<Dear List - I am forwarding a response from Bill
102 feb21 Virginie, van W(6k) Re: cocktail party effect<<<html> <body> Hello Claire,<br><br> this recent artic
103 feb23 Scharine, Angel(22k) Experience with 01dB and dBSonic?<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
104 feb23 Scharine, Angel(19k) Re: Experience with 01dB and dBSonic? (clarification)<<This is a multi-part mess
105 feb24 Fabien Gouyon (4k) ICMC2005 Paper Deadline less than 10 days away<<Dear list, Please note that the
106 feb24 Ulrich Hoppe (6k) CALL FOR PAPERS: Medical Acoustics track at ICMP 2005<<-----Ursprüngliche Nachr
107 feb26 chen-gia tsai (5k) Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of brain<<Dear all, Oli
108 feb26 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<I have found th
109 feb27 Dennis P. Philli(5k) Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of brain<<Hello Everyon
110 feb27 Brian Gygi (4k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<I wonder how mu
111 feb27 Robert Zatorre (9k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<--=============
112 feb27 Thomas G Brennan(5k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<Robert, melodic
113 feb27 Robert Zatorre (9k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<--=============
114 feb27 Isabelle Peretz (4k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<Well, Tom, I am
115 feb27 Thomas G Brennan(5k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<When I got the
116 feb27 Isabelle Peretz (4k) FW: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<------ Forwarde
117 feb27 chen-gia tsai (6k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<Dear Robert, Is
118 feb28 Martin Braun (5k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<Isabelle Peretz
119 feb28 Harriet B Jacobs(7k) Re: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<---------------
120 mar01 John G. Beerends(5k) Rex: Musical abilities are among the last to be lost in cases of<<This is a mult
121 mar01 Robert Zatorre (6k) Reality check<<--=====================_16244451==_.ALT Content-Type: text/plain;
122 mar01 Pawel Kusmierek (4k) Re: Reality check<<Robert Zatorre said: > So this means that whatever they were
123 mar01 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Reality check<<Music appreciation by r/cats? OK -- my hat in the ring. When
124 mar02 Philip Dorrell (6k) Re: Reality check (animals and music)<<Even if there is some set of sounds which
125 mar01 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) Re: Reality check<<Okay, I'll bite (or scratch?) - My French horn teacher in hig
126 mar01 Jan Schnupp (7k) Re: Reality check<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------02
127 mar01 Brian Gygi (3k) Re: Reality check<<Wow, the fur is really flying on the list today...
128 mar01 Stewart Hulse (6k) Re: Reality check<<I'll add a peck. Porter and Neuringer (Journal of Experimenta
129 mar01 Stewart Hulse (9k) Reality Check<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000
130 mar01 Stewart Hulse (6k) Reality check<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000
131 mar01 Susan Allen (3k) Dogs<<Our two dogs have indicated to a pet psychic that they prefer Country West
132 mar01 Dan Tollin (4k) Reality Check<<Hi, My cat prefers John Cage's 4'33" (which, of course, is 4 minu
133 mar01 Ward R. Drennan (4k) Re: Dogs<<Huh. Our dachshund used to howl excessively when my sister practiced s
134 mar01 Tom Maglione (4k) Re: Dogs<<Perhaps Susan's dogs are from Texas? On another note (yuk), no one has
135 mar01 andrea valle (4k) Re: Reality Check<<On 1 Mar 2005, at 23:37, Dan Tollin wrote: > My cat prefers J
136 mar01 Harriet B Jacobs(6k) Re: Dogs<<-------------------------------1109720209 Content-Type: text/plain; ch
137 mar01 chen-gia tsai (7k) Re: Dogs (music perception, receptive aphasia)<<Dear list, A dog of a music prof
138 mar01 John Neuhoff (8k) Re: Dogs (music perception, receptive aphasia)<<The music professor's dog sounds
139 mar02 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: Dogs<<On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Ward R. Drennan wrote: > Our dachshund used to how
140 mar02 Nikki Rickard (5k) Fw: animals and music<<> No one is likely to claim that nonhuman animals appreci
141 mar02 Roger Watt (5k) animals and music<< Can anyone hazard a guess at whether there are any captive a
142 mar02 Martin Braun (6k) Teacher check<<Dear Robert, and others: >>Today we have data showing similar sig
143 mar02 Julian Rohrhuber(5k) Re: Dogs<<>On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Ward R. Drennan wrote: > >> Our dachshund used to
144 mar02 Keith N. Darrow (4k) Re: Dogs<<What does your psychologist think of this? Quoting Susan Allen <susie@
145 mar02 Bob Masta (4k) Re: Reality Check<<On 1 Mar 2005 at 16:37, Dan Tollin wrote: > Hi, > > My cat pr
146 mar02 Marvit, Peter (5k) Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<I'm sorry to interrupt
147 mar02 William Cooper (7k) Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Dear List, The topics of the recent threa
148 mar02 Robert Zatorre (55k) Re: Teacher check<<--=====================_5431959==_ Content-Type: multipart/al
149 mar02 Alex Francis (7k) Re: Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<Peter, It does appe
150 mar02 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Absolutely the answer is often yes. I
151 mar02 Robert Zatorre (8k) Re: Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<--=================
152 mar02 Stuart Rosen (4k) Re: Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<There are also indi
153 mar02 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(4k) Underwater Soundscapes<<about fish... i remember once i was siting by the Ontari
154 mar02 Robbin Wood (8k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<I find the study of music (and speech
155 mar02 Christian Kaernb(4k) Teacher check<<Dear Martin, I would have guessed the control groups Robert would
156 mar02 Christian Kaernb(4k) Pitch in a non-animate world<<Dear List, It recently came to my mind that nearly
157 mar02 Mark Hasegawa-Jo(4k) Re: Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<In a cappella music
158 mar02 Bob Masta (4k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<On 2 Mar 2005 at 10:27, William Coope
159 mar02 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Robbin, that partly obviously has to
160 mar02 Brian Gygi (5k) Animals and music<<At 12:19 PM 3/1/2005, Philip Dorrell wrote: >Even if there is
161 mar02 Leon van Noorde(10k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Dear list, Living together with a con
162 mar02 Leon van Noorden(5k) Re: Animals and music<<Brian, If you want a CD of how animals make music togethe
163 mar02 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Bingo, Leon, on (at least) two counts
164 mar02 Robbin Wood (6k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<>"I have some hesitation to believe t
165 mar02 Al Bregman (6k) Re: Pitch in a non-animate world<<Dear Christian and list, I completely agree wi
166 mar02 Brian Gygi (7k) Re: Pitch in a non-animate world<<Al's and Christian's observations are strongly
167 mar03 Neil McLachlan (8k) Re: Pitch in a non-animate world<<Hi all as a musical instrument designer explor
168 mar02 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Pitch in a non-animate world -- Bells<<Hi all, One need not travel to Korea
169 mar04 Eliot Palmer (4k) Music Vibration Perception - Research on deaf and hearing<<Hello all, My masters
170 mar03 Didier Depireux,(5k) Rats low frequency hearing<<I may be the only person on this list who never reco
171 mar03 Aaron L Hastings(4k) Safety Switch<<Hello All, I am wondering whether or not people include some type
172 mar03 Abeer Alwan (5k) Re: Stop consonant identification based on initial spectra?<<Greetings, If I rem
173 mar03 John K. Bates (5k) Pitch in a non-animate world<<Dear list, The discussion on the interrelationship
174 mar03 Martin Braun (4k) Glissandi instead of rhythm<<Pierre Divenyi wrote: > You can have music on a sin
175 mar03 Al Bregman (4k) Recording from rats.<<Dear List, A friend of mine is trying to record rat vocali
176 mar03 Tom Maglione (5k) Re: Safety Switch<<To Aaron and List, What you need is called a Limiter. This is
177 mar04 Eero Aro (4k) Re: Safety Switch<<Tom Maglione wrote: > I just double checked and you can find
178 mar05 Lowel P. O'Mard (6k) Re: Fw: animals and music<<Hi People, We as humans have a tendency towards eliti
179 mar05 Eero Aro (4k) Re: Safety Switch<<Sanja Dupor wrote: >Compressors, limiters expanders and gates
180 mar06 Richard Nance (6k) Re: Fw: animals and music<<I took my first piece of real acousmatic music over t
181 mar05 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Fw: animals and music<<The question is which, the dog or the cat, was cultur
182 mar05 Jont Allen (5k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 Mar 2005 to 4 Mar 2005 (#2005-41)<<Tom, Eero is right. C
183 mar06 Dan Ellis (4k) Vincent Hayward: Possible CRC chair at McGill<<Dear List - Attached is an announ
184 mar06 Nicola Miller (4k) Listening in an occupational setting<<Dear List, I have not posted before but it
185 mar07 M.A. Stone (4k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 Mar 2005 to 4 Mar 2005 (#2005-41)<<On Sat, 5 Mar 2005, J
186 mar07 =?iso-8859-1?Q?B(5k) Re: Do deaf humans (CI users) like music?<<Dear list As many studies have shown,
187 mar07 Robert Zatorre (6k) Re: Fw: animals and music<<--=====================_4948241==_.ALT Content-Type:
188 mar07 Bruce Walker (131k) ICAD: Auditory Graphs Symposium<<--Apple-Mail-3-914144513 Content-Transfer-Encod
189 mar07 Leonardo Moore (4k) DAT recorder<<Hello, I am new to the list. I was wondering if anyone could recom
190 mar07 Amanda Lauer (35k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 2 Mar 2005 (#2005-39)<<2 issues concerning music perecptio
191 mar07 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) Re: DAT recorder<<I'd skip the middleman and look for a direct-to-digital record
192 mar08 Ray Goldsworthy(10k) CI Music Perception<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPa
193 mar09 John Culling (4k) Lectureships<<Dear all, A number of positions (at various levels) are currently
194 mar09 Bob Carlyon (17k) Re: CI Music Perception<<--=====================_4147203==.ALT Content-Type: tex
195 mar09 Daniel Rowan (11k) Fwd: PhD studentships at ISVR - UK<<A colleague asked me to forward this on Dani
196 mar09 Brian C. J. Moor(4k) Updated excitation-pattern program<<Dear List Members, Some of you may be intere
197 mar09 beaucham (3k) Xavier Boutillon<<I am trying to contact Xavier Boutillon. Does anyone have his
198 mar09 Ray Goldsworthy(13k) CI Music Perception<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPa
199 mar10 Hugh McDERMOTT (6k) CI music perception<<<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <H
200 mar09 William Cooper (8k) Re: CI Music Perception<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_Ne
201 mar09 leo sullivan (11k) Latest First<<--Apple-Mail-20--1016207185 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-prin
202 mar09 Brent Edwards (14k) Re: Latest First<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_
203 mar11 Dr Richard J Bak(6k) Research post at Manchester (UK)<<THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER FACULTY OF MEDICA
204 mar12 Mari Jones (5k) Society for Music Perception and Cognition<< SMPC WORKSHOPS!!! -----------------
205 mar13 Hugo de Paula (10k) Call for Papers: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music<< Preliminary Call for Pa
206 mar13 Brad Ingrao (6k) =?us-ascii?Q?_Join_Audiology's_=22A-List=22_at_3_diverse_musical_events_d?=<<Hea
207 mar13 Brad Ingrao (6k) Re: Join Audiology's "A-List" at 3 diverse musical events during<<I goofed on th
208 mar15 Ana Alves Pinto (4k) JASA Meeting in Vancouver<<Hi, I am PhD student I am looking for someone to shar
209 mar15 Ana Alves Pinto (4k) ASA Meeting in Vancouver<<Sorry, it is the ASA meeting, not JASA Meeting. :) Tha
210 mar15 Perfecto Herrera(6k) Research positions in music technology and computational<<Please, feel free to d
211 mar15 Acker, Barbara E(8k) electrode caps<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPart_0
212 mar15 Leon van Noorden(4k) 10th Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop July 2-6 2005<<Dear Auditory List
213 mar17 Mustafa Umut Sar(4k) Kronkite Filter for Music<<I am interesting in with the most basic way for to ge
214 mar17 Anthony Watkins (5k) Re: Kronkite Filter for Music<<Hi Mustafa, There are some Krohn-hite filters on
216 mar23 ismail uysal (4k) Cochlear Models<<Dear List, I am looking for a cochlear model which I can use to
217 mar24 Arthur Choi (21k) 4 Hz modulation energy<<--------------Boundary-00=_3V9UG6G0000000000000 Content-
218 mar24 Yoshitaka Nakaji(5k) Auditory demonstrations<<Dear All, My colleagues and I are presenting some demon
219 mar24 Meddis, Raymond (6k) Cochlear models<<Cochlear models *************** Ismail Uysal wrote: "I am looki
220 mar24 Toth Laszlo (4k) pitch database<<Dear List, I am looking for databases that contain pitch annotat
221 mar24 Mark Huckvale (4k) Re: pitch database<<Toth Laszlo wrote: >I am looking for databases that contain
222 mar24 Matt Flax (4k) Re: pitch database<<Hi, I have a small table up on my website :
223 mar24 Erick Gallun (4k) Re: 4 Hz modulation energy<<Arthur, I would recommend first extracting the envel
224 mar25 Reinhart Frosch (5k) EPR-paradoxon.<<A question to List members interested in physics (sorry, I am on
225 mar25 Guoping Li (5k) =?BIG5?Q?ICA,=20a=20key=20to=20solve=20the=20puzzle=20=20of=20he?=<<Dear all, I
226 mar25 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: ICA, a key to solve the puzzle of hearing<<On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Guoping Li
227 mar25 Keith R. Kluende(5k) post doc at Wisconsin<<A postdoctoral position will be available in the Wisconsi
228 mar25 jan schnupp (8k) Re: ICA, a key to solve the puzzle of hearing<<This is a multi-part message in
229 mar25 Paris Smaragdis (6k) Re: ICA,<<If you google for independent component analysis and hearing aids you'
230 mar23 Bruce Walker (6k) ICAD Auditory Graphs Symposium-reminder<<** Second Reminder, Submissions Deadlin
231 mar28 Kim, Doh-Suk (DS(7k) CFP: Special Issue on Objective Quality Assessment of Speech and<<Dear List, Att
232 mar30 Jose I. Alcantar(5k) bandpass TMTF fits<< This message is in MIME format. The first part should be re
233 mar26 Peter Lennox (12k) Re: ICA, a key to solve the puzzle of hearing<<--=======AVGMAIL-424BA0501F73===
234 mar31 Emmanuel Vincent(7k) MIREX 2005: call for participation<<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
235 apr01 Steven van de Pa(4k) Steven van de Par/EHV/RESEARCH/PHILIPS is out of the office.<<I will be out of t
236 apr01 Henkjan Honing (5k) Research positions in music cognition<<Research positions in music cognition The
237 apr01 Arne =?ISO-8859-(5k) Announcement of International Symposium on Hearing Aid Fitting<<Dette er en bes
238 apr01 beaucham (4k) need MDS discussion<<We are looking into doing a multidimensional scaling test o
239 apr02 chen-gia tsai (5k) selection pressure underlying scaled/measured music<<Dear all, It was observed b
240 apr03 Philip Dorrell (8k) Re: selection pressure underlying scaled/measured music<<My super-stimulus theor
241 apr02 susan allen (3k) Re: selection pressure underlying scaled/measured music<<How, then, do 7 and 5 b
242 apr03 Philip Dorrell (6k) Re: selection pressure underlying scaled/measured music<<susan allen wrote: > Ho
243 apr03 Matt Marble (4k) music & social bonding<<this might be of interest to recent inquiries. a chapter
244 apr03 Matt Marble (49k) music & social bonding... with attachent (!)<<This is a multi-part message in MI
245 apr04 virginie (5k) "information processing applied to speech signals"<<--0-1625439266-1112609567=:7
246 apr04 Colette Mckay (5k) Re: need MDS discussion<<Not a reference but some experience: With cochlear impl
247 apr05 Amit Gal (6k) Re: need MDS discussion<<hi, personally, i'm not fond of MDS techniques for mode
248 apr05 frederic mainten(7k) Re: need MDS discussion<<Hi everybody, Along the line I recommend Marozeau's pap
249 apr05 Kristjan Varnik (4k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 2 Apr 2005 to 3 Apr 2005 (#2005-64)<<I'd like to read the
250 apr06 Tarun Pruthi (4k) Searching for a book: Nasalfest<<Hi all, I have been searching for an old book t
251 apr06 Richard F. Lyon (5k) Re: digital filter design<<At 7:26 AM -0500 1/30/05, Ramdas Kumaresan wrote: >Al
252 apr07 Choi Arthur (4k) Re: 4 Hz modulation energy<<<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
253 apr07 Camille Waldhorn(7k) routines in Matlab for Midi data retrieval: addum to the<<--0-915718540-11128737
254 apr08 Rossi Mark (PA-A(5k) propagation speed of the traveling wave<<Dear list, in order to estimate the pro
255 apr08 David Mountain (5k) Re: propagation speed of the traveling wave<<I would recommend a pair of papers
256 apr08 Eckard Blumschei(5k) Re: propagation speed of the traveling wave<<Dear Mark Rossi, You might decide y
257 apr08 Boris DEFREVILL(29k) litterature<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0
258 apr08 virginie (7k) Re: "information processing applied to speech signals"<<--0-1565988545-111297483
259 apr09 Reinhart Frosch (6k) Re: propagation speed of the traveling wave<<On April 8, 2005, Mark Rossi posted
260 apr09 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: propagation speed of the traveling wave<<Dear List, In my earlier answer (Ap
261 apr11 Matt Flax (5k) location of the sacculus and utricles<<Hello, I am looking for information on th
262 apr12 #ARIJIT BISWAS# (4k) applications of linear prediction<<Hi List: Just a short and a very stupid reque
263 apr12 DAT (15k) =?windows-1252?Q?International_Conference_=22Cortical_Deme?=<<This is a multi-pa
264 apr12 Craig Nicol (4k) 'Persistance of hearing'<<I've been looking at Timbre Spaces for a while, in par
265 apr12 William Hartmann(5k) Re: 'Persistance of hearing'<<CN, Agreed. There is a tendency for listeners to m
266 apr12 Jesteadt, Walt (5k) Re: 'Persistence of hearing'<<I do not agree. I think it is a more general tende
267 apr12 Julian Rohrhuber(3k) equal loudness calculation<<I'm looking for a computationally efficient way to d
268 apr12 John Neuhoff (7k) Re: 'Persistence of hearing'<<Of course, these two perspectives (Hartmann v. Jes
269 apr12 Al Bregman (6k) Re: 'Persistance of hearing'<<Dear Craig, Bill, Walt, et al.: >From what I've re
270 apr13 David Klein (4k) F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<The 1994 JASA 95(6):3529 article
271 apr14 Christian Kaernb(4k) F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<Dear David, In our 2001 paper we
272 apr14 Nicolas Grimault(5k) Re: F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<Dear David, In our 2002 paper
273 apr14 Suzan Emiroglu (4k) Re: F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<Hello David and others, I don
274 apr15 Nathan Weisz (5k) Normal hearing<<Hi, does anybody know any resources (other than running a dozen
275 apr15 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Normal hearing<<0.0002 dyne per cm sq Tom Brennan KD5VIJ, CCC-A/SLP web page
276 apr15 Colette Mckay (18k) Post-Doc in Cochlear Implant research in UK<<This is a multi-part message in MI
277 apr15 Thomas G Brennan(5k) Re: Normal hearing<<It has been pointed out to me that what I wrote is not norma
278 apr18 Jose-Javier Lope(5k) Re: equal loudness calculation<<This is the analitic equation for A-Weighting. h
279 apr18 Nathan Weisz (6k) Summary of normal hearing<<Dear all, Thanks for the many helpful answers concern
280 apr18 Julian Rohrhuber(4k) Re: equal loudness calculation<<>This is the analitic equation for A-Weighting.
281 apr18 Jose-Javier Lope(6k) Re: equal loudness calculation<<> in this case, I don't want to filter a sound,
282 apr18 Julian Rohrhuber(6k) Re: equal loudness calculation<<At 12:54 Uhr +0200 18.04.2005, Jose-Javier Lopez
283 apr18 Stephen McAdams (7k) Post-doctoral position at McGill University<<A post-doctoral researcher (within
284 apr19 Vidya Ganesh (5k) Pitch and Music<<Dear Auditory List members, A relatively naive question: Pitch
285 apr19 farsheed (4k) normalized filter coefficients<<Hello, I have been trying to implement tunable b
286 apr19 Toth Laszlo (4k) Re: normalized filter coefficients<<On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, farsheed wrote: > I hav
287 apr20 superk (4k) Seeking speech examples to test the algorithm for phonemic<<Dear List, I deadly
288 apr20 Frédéric Mainten(7k) Re: Pitch and Music<<Dear Vidya, in music the pitch is mostly assumed to be F0,
289 apr20 Marina Rose (4k) virtual patients / audiology training tools<<Dear list, we are investigating int
290 apr20 Katrin Krumbholz(6k) Re: F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<Dear David, Daniel Pressnitze
291 apr20 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Re: F0 difference limens for unresolved harmonics<<Katrin and David, In an ARO p
292 apr21 Daniel Rowan (5k) Vacancy for Lecturer in Audiology<<University of Southampton Institute of Sound
293 apr21 Suzan Emiroglu (5k) Re: virtual patients / audiology training tools<<Dear Marina, dear Christoph, ju
294 apr21 John Culling (5k) sound cards, bit depth and the Windows mixer<<Dear list, Does anyone know how th
295 apr21 Stephen Neely (7k) Re: sound cards, bit depth and the Windows mixer<<John, I am not familiar with t
296 apr21 Maher, Rob (7k) Re: sound cards, bit depth and the Windows mixer<<John-- Windows provides suppor
297 apr23 David Mountain (4k) EarLab Simulator available for download<<The EarLab simulation environment that
298 apr24 Mark Huckvale (4k) Re: Seeking speech examples to test the algorithm for phonemic<<superk wrote: >D
299 apr25 H.Hacihabiboglu (8k) An innovation on polyphonic transcription<<Interesting news from the New Scienti
300 apr26 Stuart Rosen (5k) Cochlear simulation demonstration software<<Participants in this list may be int
301 apr29 Deniz Baskent (11k) Lindemann model<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_dXo
302 may02 Gregor Kohls (6k) Conference Invitation<<Dear Colleagues, As a result of the positive feedback to
303 may02 Richard H. (4k) hearing aid question: "boominess"<<Hi team, I am a newly qualified dispenser and
304 may02 Brent Edwards (5k) Re: hearing aid question: "boominess"<<This is a common problem, and the causes
305 may02 Richard H. (7k) Re: hearing aid question: "boominess"<<Hi Brent, >> getting gains, compression r
306 may03 M.A. Stone (5k) Re: hearing aid question: "boominess"<<On Mon, 2 May 2005, Richard H. wrote: > B
307 may03 Piotr Majdak (4k) Statistical evaluation of categorical data<<Dear list, I've got some categorical
308 may03 Stuart Rosen (5k) Research position -- speech perception & dyslexia<<A three-year Wellcome Trust-f
309 may03 Ward R. Drennan (6k) Re: Statistical evaluation of categorical data<<We used a multinomal logistic re
310 may04 Stuart Rosen (4k) Re: [Speech-tools] device advice request<<Much relevant advice can be found at:
311 may04 Keith R. Kluende(4k) Sound cards<<I am seeking advice on the best sound cards for PCs for both record
312 may04 ismail uysal (4k) Calculation of MIPS in MATLAB<<Dear List, I have to calculate MIPS for my code i
313 may05 Brian Gygi (5k) Re: Sound cards<<At 06:55 PM 5/4/2005, Keith R. Kluender wrote: >I am seeking ad
314 may05 Hermann Stemberg(4k) Re: Sound cards<<Hi Keith! The best available soundcards for Computer are made b
315 may05 Douglas Eck (6k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 May 2005 to 4 May 2005 (#2005-87)<<> > I am seeking advi
316 may05 ieish gamah (12k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 May 2005 to 4 May 2005 (#2005-87)<<<html><div style='bac
317 may05 Scott D. Lipscom(8k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 May 2005 to 4 May 2005 (#2005-87)<<--===================
318 may05 Stephen Neely (6k) Re: Sound cards<<Keith, There's a nice comparison of soundcards on the PC AV Tec
319 may05 Gerry Stefanatos(4k) Re: Sound cards<<One consideration that may or may not concern you is jitter. Ab
320 may05 Sumitrajit Dhar (4k) ER10A three-port OAE microphones<<Hello, Jonathan Siegel and I are in talks with
321 may05 Wolfgang Dreier(44k) headphone: type unknown<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_Ne
322 may07 Richard H. (4k) Speech samples "squished" in the frequency domain?<<Hi, Does anyone know if spee
323 may10 Stuart Rosen (6k) Travel scholarships for Asilomar 2005<<As has been done every 2 years since 1999
324 may10 Annekathrin Weis(4k) How to create apparent continuity of a tone without increasing<<Dear list, I wou
325 may10 Wolfgang Dreier (6k) Re: How to create apparent continuity of a tone without<<> Hello Annekathrin, >
326 may11 Leon van Noorden(5k) Re: How to create apparent continuity of a tone without<<Dear Annekathrin, The e
327 may12 Thomas G Brennan(8k) Omega Engineering<<I realize that this e-mail is slightly off topic for some of
328 may12 Brent Edwards (4k) HIPAA<<How are people incorporating HIPAA regulations in their basic auditory re
329 may13 Stuart Rosen (5k) Travel scholarships for Asilomar 2005 -- correction to deadlines<<The sentence c
330 may13 Ferguson, Sarah (8k) Re: HIPAA<<Oh, a SIMPLE question. My understanding, based on my experience and f
331 may13 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: HIPAA<<Well, as someone who has lived through a debacle, charade, torture et
332 may13 Monita Chatterje(4k) Re: (GWAVA: SPAM) HIPAA<<Hi Brent, When I was at House Ear Institute, every
333 may16 Niall Griffith (4k) PhD studentship opportunities in instrument and timbre modelling<<Please Excuse
334 may16 Gregoire, Jerry(10k) Instrument Databases<<This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader doe
335 may16 Emmanuel Vincent(5k) Re: Instrument Databases<<Dear Jerry, There is also the IRCAM Studio On Line dat
336 may17 superk (4k) I need TIMIT<<Hi,List Does anybody have the TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous S
337 may17 Mark Huckvale (4k) Re: I need TIMIT<<superk wrote: >Does anybody have the TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic C
338 may17 Heather D. Dobbi(4k) teaching aid<<I am giving a talk to my department, and want to demonstrate the i
339 may17 Richard M. Warre(9k) Re: How to create apparent continuity of a tone without<<--Apple-Mail-1-60893828
340 may17 Peter Q. Pfordre(6k) Please post: APCAM 2005<<Thanks - Our apologies for any multiple postings. -----
341 may18 REDDY SIVAPRASAD(4k) frication duration<<<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Dear list</P> <P>&nb
342 may18 Annekathrin Weis(4k) Thank you very much for helping me to solve my problem.<<Dear all, thanks for th
343 may18 Laurent Demany (5k) 1-year CNRS position in Bordeaux<<<html> <body> <font size=3D3>A one-year positi
344 may18 Vermiglio, Andy (3k) Software for Simulated Hearing Loss<<All, Does anyone know of software that simu
345 may18 Lewis, Dawna E (4k) Re: Software for Simulated Hearing Loss<<The following 2 sites were recently rep
346 may19 Chen Kai (3k) vocal and non-vocal classification in music<<Hi,all Can anyone give me some advi
347 may19 Brian C. J. Moor(5k) Re: Software for Simulated Hearing Loss<<Andy Vermiglio wrote: >Does anyone know
348 may19 Jesko L Verhey (4k) distortions in TDH-49 and Analog Devices 430J<<Dear list, does anybody know the
349 may19 Richard H. (4k) Upward Spread Of Masking & Hearing Aids<<Hi, I feel that it may be useful to use
350 may19 Yipeng Li (5k) Re: vocal and non-vocal classification in music<<The followings are several key
351 may19 Richard H. (5k) "Standard" TK values for hearing aids?<<Hi, Everytime I use a hearing aid fittin
352 may19 Dan Ellis (5k) Toronto Auditory Temporal Processing Symposium<<Dear List - Enclosed is an annou
353 may19 Kambiz Tavabi (4k) Sound morphing?<<Hello all I am interested in learning about the possibilities a
354 may19 Sascha Fagel (5k) Re: Sound morphing?<<> I am interested in learning about the possibilities and a
355 may19 Richard Nance (6k) FW: Sound morphing?<< Diphone and modalys from Ircam are pretty good at that. I
356 may20 Matt Flax (5k) Re: Sound morphing?<<Hello, I have a 2D approach which computes similarity over
357 may20 Suzan Emiroglu (4k) Re: Sound morphing?<<Hello, there is also a Matlab toolbox called "DAFX" with a
358 may20 Ben Moran (4k) Re: Sound morphing?<<Have a look at Loris ( which d
359 may23 Richard H. (4k) Cochlear AGC attack/releases times?<<Hi, Does anyone know how the cochlear AGC c
360 may23 David Mountain (5k) Re: Cochlear AGC attack/releases times?<<I'll start my answer with my engineer's
361 may23 Martin Braun (4k) Re: Cochlear AGC attack/releases times?<<Richard H. also asked: > And is this AG
362 may23 Abeer Alwan (9k) Re: Cochlear AGC attack/release times<<Brian Strope wrote a very nice Ph.D. diss
363 may24 Mridula Sharma (5k) When is the next EPIC?<<Hi ALl, Not sure if I should be asking this here. Anyway
364 may24 Davy Manuel (5k) Post-doctoral position in Speech Processing, Lille, France<<Post-Doctoral Positi
365 may24 DAT (29k) International Conference about Cortical Dementias<<This is a multi-part message
366 may24 Nick Thyer (85k) PhD Studentship in Audiology - University of Leeds<<This is a multi-part message
367 may29 Martin Braun (4k) auditory imagery and SOAEs<<Dear list: I got a letter from a student who wants t
368 may30 Stefania Serafin(5k) Phd and assistant professorship positions in Copenhagen Denmark<<At the Copenhag
369 may31 Ahroon, William(12k) POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS (2)<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
370 may31 Rob Turetsky (6k) Ensemble code in AN?<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextP
371 may31 Matt Marble (4k) auditory training for the blind<<I have always found it odd that those most know
372 may31 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Matt, as a blind audiologist this has alway
373 may31 John Neuhoff (7k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<There has been some work on echolocation. T
374 jun01 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<John, another source is
375 jun01 MORI Koichi (4k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<I missed the original post, but you might f
376 jun01 Julian Rohrhuber(3k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Peter Meijer provides a java applet (javoic
377 jun01 Peter B L Meijer(5k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Hi Matt, A very different (and still experi
378 jun01 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<I do use the vOICe. It can be used with a p
379 jun01 Rachel Glassberg(6k) Psychoacoustic modeling in action<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
380 jun01 Matt Marble (4k) thanks<<wow, thanks everyone. this is what i was hoping to 'hear'. hope all is w
381 jun01 Ross Alexander H(4k) Dental related Hering Loss<<I have a friend who had a cavity filled over a month
382 jun02 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Dental related Hering Loss<<Ross, I've seen a couple clients over the years
383 jun02 R. Mercuri (5k) Re: Dental related Hering Loss<<There was a recent article from Penn State's Her
384 jun02 Peter Lennox (7k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<John, has anyone done much on whether perce
385 jun02 Peter Lennox (5k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<On a similar note, I'm interested as to whe
386 jun02 Jeffrey J. Sable(4k) Soundproof room for birds<<Dear list, We are trying to figure out the best way t
387 jun02 Michael H. Coen (5k) Re: Soundproof room for birds<<Perhaps you're already familiar with this, but Of
388 jun02 Maher, Rob (6k) Re: Soundproof room for birds<<Just to clarify: are you looking for sound _isola
389 jun02 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Dental related Hering Loss<<In several states an audiologist can do wax remo
390 jun02 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Peter, from teaching o&m a bit I can pretty
391 jun03 Kate Stevens (5k) PhD scholarship, MARCS Auditory Labs, Sydney<<PhD scholarship in Sydney, Austral
392 jun03 Daniel Rowan (7k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Moore and King have a small section (5.5, p
393 jun03 Henry Gay Grubbs(7k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Take me off this distro list. > Moore and K
394 jun03 Bruce Walker (6k) ICAD Auditory Graphing Symposium update<<Dear Auditory Display Researchers, (ple
395 jun06 Thomas G Brennan(5k) Re: auditory training for the blind<<Peter, so far as I know nobody is doing any
396 jun06 Henkjan Honing (4k) Invitation to do control experiment [deadline June 15]<<Dear members of the Audi
397 jun06 Yoav Arieh (5k) Synthesizing phonemes<<--------------040705030404060401070307 Content-Type: text
398 jun06 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Synthesizing phonemes<<If you can get your hads on a DecTalk speech synthesi
399 jun06 Gerry Stefanatos(4k) Re: Synthesizing phonemes<<There are several options available to you. Two very
400 jun06 Richard H. (4k) Do phonemes = sounds?<<Hi, I keep seeing phonemes being referred to as if they a
401 jun06 Richard H. (5k) Flooring for sound lab?<<Hi, I am having a room in my offices converted to a "so
402 jun06 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<Geewiz, Richard's question seems to open up the old P
403 jun06 Mark Huckvale (4k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<Richard H. wrote: >So what's "the truth" here? Can co
404 jun06 Chris Stecker (4k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<So how does one recognize a nonsense syllable like "o
405 jun06 Scott Hildebran(10k) Stuff<<For the phoeneme stuff you might want to check out Wayne Slawson's progra
406 jun07 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Richard H. wrote: > I keep seeing
407 jun07 Branka ZEI (11k) =?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9p.=20:=20[s]=20Re:=20Do=20phonemes=20=3D=20so?=<<This is a MI
408 jun07 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re:<<On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Branka ZEI wrote: > The present discussion shows that t
409 jun07 jan schnupp (9k) Re: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9p=2E_=3A_=5Bs=5D_Re=3A_Do_phone?=<<<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
410 jun07 Mark Huckvale (6k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<Chris Stecker wrote: >So how does one recognize a non
411 jun07 Martin Braun (6k) Re: Do phonemes = sounds?<<On Tuesday, June 07, Branka ZEI wrote: "The present d
412 jun07 Robert Port (7k) Do phonemes = sounds?<<I can't resist responding to this issue. I have spent my
413 jun07 Tarun Pruthi (8k) JASA templates<<Hi, I am writing a paper for JASA and I am unable to find a temp
414 jun08 Olivier Crouzet (6k) Re: JASA templates<<--Signature=_Wed__8_Jun_2005_09_44_53_+0200_xI79gGjyFzonQaWE
415 jun08 Etienne Gaudrain(5k) Re: JASA templates<<Dear Tarun, You may also need a special BibTeX style file (.
416 jun08 Tarun Pruthi (9k) Re: JASA templates<<Hi, Thanks a lot for the replies. I promise to collect all o
417 jun08 Dan Tollin (5k) faculty position<<Hi, We are in the process of expanding our auditory research f
418 jun09 Mike Ravicz (4k) Spare ER-10C carcass<<Dear list, Does anyone have any dead Etymotic ER-10Cs (the
419 jun12 Stuart Rosen (4k) Klatt synthesis<<I seem to remember hearing rumours of a kind of 'recipe book' f
420 jun12 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Klatt synthesis<<If you want the Klatt information both the DecTalk and Mult
421 jun12 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: Klatt synthesis<<Stuart, one other synthesizer you mmight look it is the Kur
422 jun13 Sascha Fagel (5k) Speech rate modeling in synthetic speech<<Dear list, I am looking for (sub segme
423 jun13 Thomas G Brennan(5k) Re: Speech rate modeling in synthetic speech<<Any synthesizer which allows you a
424 jun13 Henkjan Honing (4k) Invitation [Reminder]<<[Reminder] Dear members of the Auditory list, I hope you
425 jun14 Yoshitaka Nakaji(5k) A post-doctral position.<<To the Auditory List, A few post-doctoral positions wi
426 jun13 Daniel Silva (34k) Res: Do phonemes = sounds?<<--------------Boundary-00=_RU81QL80000000000000 Cont
427 jun13 Dan Tollin (4k) TDT SD1 Spike Discriminator<<List, Does anyone have a TDT System II SD1 Spike Di
428 jun13 Chuck Larson (10k) Post doc position<<--============_-1093431013==_ma============ Content-Type: tex
429 jun14 Daniel Silva (26k) Praat vowel synthesis<<--------------Boundary-00=_V9O324L0000000000000 Content-T
430 jun14 Scharine, Angeli(4k) Directional characteristics of the human voice<<I'm hoping that someone could he
431 jun15 Christine Rankov(5k) Re: Directional characteristics of the human voice<<Angelique: Measurements at e
432 jun15 Victor Adan (4k) Online Music Perception Experiment!<<Hello All, As part of my thesis research, I
433 jun15 Daniel Silva (4k) Praat vowel synthesis<<I’m sorry. I am using a new e-mail program. Thanks for gi
434 jun15 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?S(5k) Re: Directional characteristics of the human voice<<Hi Angelique, Prof. Angelo F
435 jun16 Guillaume Potard(4k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 14 Jun 2005 to 15 Jun 2005 (#2005-115)<<Hi, Some work on s
436 jun17 Jimmy Cook (13k) Dear auditory list - Any tips on building multi channel recording<<This is a mul
437 jun17 Jimmy Cook (15k) Fwd - Any tips on building multi channel recording system?<<This is a multi-part
438 jun18 Denis Donovan (4k) illustration needed<<Does anyone have a good B&W illustration of a spectrographi
439 jun18 Hacihabiboglu H (5k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 15 Jun 2005 to 16 Jun 2005 (#2005-116)<<Angelique, I remem
440 jun19 Erin E.Hannon (5k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 17 Jun 2005 to 18 Jun 2005 (#2005-118)<<Denis One possibil
441 jun19 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: illustration needed<<On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Denis Donovan wrote: > Does anyone
442 jun20 Philip Dorrell (5k) Re: illustration needed (PRAAT & Audacity)<<For my book, "What is Music? Solving
443 jun20 Eliot Samuel Pal(4k) Exporting Spectrogram Data as a 3d dataset<<Hello, I am attempting to export all
444 jun20 Chen Kai (5k) Find papers<<--0-427941897-1119276450=:83467 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=g
445 jun20 Denis Donovan (40k) illustration needed--found<<--============_-1092831418==_mr============ Content-
446 jun22 Matt Flax (4k) Engineer/Coder seeking employment<<Hello, I am seeking casual or contract work a
447 jun22 Dr Richard J Bak(6k) CHAIR OF AUDIOLOGY/HEARING SCIENCE vacancy at Manchester<<THE UNIVERSITY OF MANC
448 jun22 Giron, Franck(1082k) Re: Directional characteristics of the human voice<<This message is in MIME form
449 jun22 Kevin Austin (4k) Attachments<<Please don't send attachments to the list. The digest mangles them.
450 jun22 Fred Herzfeld (4k) Re: attachments<<Hi Kevin Austin and list, I have never had any problems with at
451 jun22 Dan Ellis (4k) Re: attachments<<>> I have never had any problems with attachments. It depends w
452 jun22 beaucham (4k) Re: attachments<<I disagree. Attachments are an annoyance. I log on remotely to
453 jun22 Jim Stevenson (4k) Re: attachments<<unix mail can only mime unpack attached html with cumbersom dif
454 jun22 Jim Stevenson (4k) Re: attachments<<What was the original subject of this post? Do you know of any
455 jun23 Paul Doornbusch(11k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 22 Jun 2005 (#2005-123)<<no, Kevin is right, the attachmen
456 jun24 Tufts, Jennifer(10k) roughness judgments<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextP
457 jun24 Colette Mckay (20k) Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Hearing Science/Audiology<<This is a multi-part mess
458 jun24 Leo Sullivan (5k) transgenders and cyborgs (Modified by Leo Sullivan)<<"You know, transgenders and
459 jun25 Emilio Renard (4k) Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<Dear all: I am a new memb
460 jun25 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: roughness judgments<<Dear Mrs. Tufts, In my one-man tests using sine-tones f
461 jun26 Philip Dorrell (5k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<This may be stating t
462 jun26 Emilio Renard (6k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<Thank you for your an
463 jun26 Emilio Renard (4k) Fusion tonal versus vertical grouping?<<Dear all: I would like ask how related i
464 jun26 beaucham (7k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<Note that in most rec
465 jun26 Kevin Austin (6k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones & Bach<<With little to
466 jun26 Leon van Noorden(7k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<Dear Emilio, In my di
467 jun26 Al Bregman (7k) Re: Perception of sequential tones as simultaneous tones.<<Dear Leon, I'm please
468 jun27 Chen Kai (4k) find paper<<Dear all, Who has the following paper,please send a copy to me! Than
469 jun27 Emmanuel Vincent(4k) perceptual audio quality measures<<Dear list, I am seeking an algorithm to measu
470 jun27 Ramin Pichevar (6k) Re: perceptual audio quality measures<<Hi Emmanuel, You can download software an
471 jun27 Michael Kubovy (5k) Streaming and temporal accuracy<<Dear Colleagues, My students and I are preparin
472 jun27 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Re: Streaming and temporal accuracy<<--=====================_14188359==.ALT Cont
473 jun28 Chris Share (4k) Looking for Free Anechoic Speech Samples<<Hi, I'm looking for some free anechoic
474 jun27 Al Bregman (4k) Re: Streaming and temporal accuracy<<Dear List and Michael, If my memory serves
475 jun28 Volker Hohmann (9k) positions in speech and hearing sciences at Oldenburg University,<<Dear list mem
476 jun28 Leon van Noorden(6k) Re: Streaming and temporal accuracy<<Dear Michael, In my dissertation "Temporal
477 jun28 Henkjan Honing (4k) [EmCAP] Research Positions in Music Cognition<<[ Apologies for cross-posting; Pl
478 jun28 William Cooper (6k) Seashore Measures of Musical Talent<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format
479 jun28 ieish gamah (4k) Looking for software<<Dear List, Could anyone please advise me if an audio softw
480 jun30 Tarun Pruthi (5k) Perceptual experiments<<Hi all, I am sure a lot of people on this list have exte
481 jun30 Monita Chatterje(4k) Re: Perceptual experiments<<Tarun, I've found the following two books invaluable
482 jun30 Ben Hornsby (10k) Recording Microphone<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextP
483 jun30 Mary Andrianopo(18k) Re: Recording Microphone<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_N
484 jun30 beaucham (4k) audio editor<<I've been looking for a good audio editor, and I'm really impresse
485 jun30 Pawel Kusmierek (6k) Re: audio editor<<beaucham said: > This is also a good time to ask for other rec
486 jun30 Mehmet-Ali Gulbo(6k) Re: audio editor<<Dear Jim, First of all, thank you for pointing to this program
487 jun30 beaucham (4k) Re: audio editor<<Rene' and all, This sounds promising. However, when I download
488 jul01 J. Gwan Lim (4k) regarding bat's vocalizaion and its signal structure<<Dear Lists Recently I've r
489 jul01 Harry Erwin (7k) Re: regarding bat's vocalizaion and its signal structure<<On 1 Jul 2005, at 07:4
490 jul01 Fabien Gouyon (5k) Re: audio editor<<> There is one caveat about the CoolEdit/Audition programs: th
491 jul01 Thomas G Brennan(4k) Re: regarding bat's vocalizaion and its signal structure<<A lot of the material
492 jul05 Piers Dawes (5k) Auditory streaming and children<<Dear List Is anyone aware of an auditory stream
493 jul05 Daniel Silva (4k) F1 and intensity<<Hi I need some information about 1- the influence of F1 on per
494 jul05 Andrew Brouse (3k) Re: audio editor<<On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, beaucham wrote: > Rene' and all, > > This
495 jul05 beaucham (3k) Re: audio editor<<Rene', I added '.app' at the end of the WaveSurfer-1.8.3 name,
496 jul06 Thomas Lee (4k) Researchers in Belgium<<Dear list, Sorry, long time lurker/first time poster her
497 jul06 Leon van Noorden(4k) Re: Researchers in Belgium<<You have me in Brussels and Ghent, Leon van Noorden
498 jul07 P. J. Bailey (5k) Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of York, UK<<<html> <body> Post-docto
499 jul07 Mehmet-Ali Gulbo(5k) Re: audio editor<<beaucham wrote: > Rene', > > I added '.app' at the end of the
500 jul07 beaucham (6k) Re: audio editor<<Dear Mehmet, Thanks for your advice on getting ahold of a work
501 jul07 Mehmet-Ali Gulbo(7k) Re: audio editor<<On Jul 7, 2005, at 16:02 , beaucham wrote: > the Wavesurfer so
502 jul07 P. J. Bailey (5k) RNID Graduate Studentship, York, UK<<<html> <body> Royal National Institute for
503 jul07 Pierre Divenyi (7k) F0 and F1<<--=====================_247607240==.ALT Content-Type: text/plain; cha
504 jul08 Christian Cam(3609k) amplitude normalisation<<This message is in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_1lNrP6P+
505 jul08 Ju-Lee Hong (4k) Re: attachments<<Before sending large attachments to an entire list, please cons
506 jul08 Toth Laszlo (5k) Re: amplitude normalisation<<On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Christian Camen wrote: > I norm
507 jul12 beaucham (4k) Unix play command<<Practically every Unix system I've used since about 1990 spor
508 jul13 Pinaki S. Chanda(5k) Dynamic Rhyme Tests<< This is a multipart mime message --Next_1121214647---0-202
509 jul12 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Re: Dynamic Rhyme Tests<<--=====================_612001171==.ALT Content-Type: t
510 jul13 Christophe Palli(4k) Re: Unix play command<<I don't know about MacOSX, but on several unixes, 'play'
511 jul13 Stuart Rosen (6k) advice Re: auditory illusions<<Dear list, I have received this inquiry and thoug
512 jul13 Davide Fugazza (5k) Re: Unix play command<<Greetings, I'm not on my MacOS X box right now, and it's
513 jul13 Jean-Philippe Ma(5k) Music and tonal languages test<<Dear list members, We are now doing a research o
514 jul13 Scharine, Angeli(8k) R-SPIN?<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C5
515 jul13 Andrew Brouse (3k) Re: Unix play command<<Hello, Here are two other utilities which may be useful i
516 jul13 Al Bregman (4k) Auditory hallucinations<<Dear Sukhi, I think there are two reasonably close anal
517 jul14 Scharine, Angeli(5k) R-SPIN<<Thank you for your help. I just wanted to let you know that I found out
518 jul14 Peter Lennox (6k) Re: Auditory hallucinations<<Hello, I tried to answer this via web-based e-mail,
519 jul14 Scott Hildebrand(9k) 3D audio positions avail?<<I used to do HRTF-based spatial audio research and I
520 jul15 Reinhart Frosch (5k) New musical-consonance experiment.<<Dear List, Yesterday I presented the results
521 jul15 Ben Hornsby (4k) dB-100 Zwislocki coupler<<Hi All, I'm looking for someone with the canal portion
522 jul15 Freed, Dan (5k) Re: dB-100 Zwislocki coupler<<Hi Ben -- You're in luck. We have an extra Zwisloc
523 jul16 Matt Marble (4k) Re: Auditory hallucinations<<Speaking of 'auditory hallucinations'... ... i am w
524 jul17 Bob Masta (5k) Re: advice Re: auditory illusions<<Anyone know what "white christmas type effect
525 jul19 hussein slim (4k) 2d and 3d sound localization<<hello all, I just want to know where I could find
526 jul19 Zoltan Fodroczi (5k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<Dear Hussein, If you plane to use input that w
527 jul19 hussein slim (5k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<Dear Zoltan I need a code whose inputs are rea
528 jul19 Zoltan Fodroczi (5k) neurophysiological evidence of CASA rules?<<Dear List, Is there anyone who knows
529 jul19 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: neurophysiological evidence of CASA rules?<<Zoltan, There is actually a lot
530 jul19 Zoltan Fodroczi (7k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<Dear Hussein, I plane to finish it not in this
531 jul20 hussein slim (7k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<Dear Zoltan, Thank you for telling me whom to
532 jul20 hussein slim (5k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<hey Zoltan Could you provide me with the sites
533 jul20 Guzman Sandra-SG(4k) Motorola looking for sensory perception talent<<Motorola (Libertyville, Illinois
534 jul21 Professor Leslie(5k) Re: 2d and 3d sound localization<<Hussein Slim wrote that "the problem is perfec
535 jul21 Jennifer M. Groh(5k) postdoctoral position in multisensory integration<<A postdoctoral position is av
536 jul21 Roberto Bresin (5k) Call for participation: Software tools for expressive music<<*******************
537 jul22 Harvey Holmes (5k) Re: Fwd: Auditory hallucinations<<Dear List, I passed the email at the end from
538 jul22 Patrick Wong (6k) Positions in Auditory Neuroscience<<Dear List, I have two positions available (p
539 jul24 Daniel Silva (4k) synthesis/analysis: where is the error?<<Dear list, When I synthesize a vowel co
540 jul24 Daniel Gastel (5k) Seeking Product Developer/Manager for Consumer Electronics Device<<Dear List, We
541 jul23 Dorethea Louisa (5k) Re: Positions in Auditory Neuroscience<<This is a multipart message in MIME form
542 jul25 Fred Herzfeld (5k) Re: synthesis/analysis: where is the error?<<Hello Daniel, I would guess that th
543 jul25 Ben Lineton (3k) Job Vacancy: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Audio Signal<<There is a vacanc
544 jul25 Sridhar Kalluri (4k) Characteristics of Bose cube speakers<<Dear list: I'm setting up a lab for testi
545 jul26 Eliot Samuel Pal(4k) Re: Characteristics of Bose cube speakers<<I would not recommend the use of bose
546 jul26 Phil Harris (4k) Responses to longer tones<<Dear List, I am examining electrophysiological respon
547 jul26 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Responses to longer tones<<Phil, The only source I know of for responses to
548 jul27 Daniel Silva (21k) Res: vowel Q<<--------------Boundary-00=_IEP9QL80000000000000 Content-Type: Mult
549 jul27 Daniel Silva (31k) Res: Re: synthesis/analysis: where is the error?<<--------------Boundary-00=_L00
550 jul27 Annabel Cohen (4k) RF-shielding benefits<<Hi members of the Auditory List: We are planning to obtai
551 jul27 Gerry Stefanatos(5k) Re: RF-shielding benefits<<Whether the added expenditure for RF shielding is wor
552 jul27 Stefan Crawcour (6k) smooth option for F0 contours<<--0-46152468-1122494321=:54786 Content-Type: text
553 jul27 Ken Grant (11k) Job Announcement - Director of Research,<<This is a multi-part message in MIME f
554 jul27 Fa-Long Luo (15k) IEEE SP Magazine: Call for Articles on DSP Patents<<This is a multi-part messag
555 jul27 Nikolas Alejandr(5k) Quantifying Spectro-temporal Complexity<<Hello Everyone, I just joined this list
556 jul27 Nikolas Alejandr(5k) Quantifying Spectro-temporal Complexity<<Hello Everyone, I just joined this list
557 jul27 beaucham (5k) Re: Quantifying Spectro-temporal Complexity<<Nik, For a single sound, what I do
558 jul28 Ilpo Martikainen(3k) Processing time<<Hi, What is the difference of processing time from excitation o
559 jul28 Robin Rader (6k) Clarity of high/low frequency and impact on musics persistence...<<--0-411950924
560 jul28 Stefan Crawcour (5k) the autocorrelation function for measuring the F0<<--0-934739674-1122581422=:567
561 jul28 Wolfgang Dreier (6k) Re: Clarity of high/low frequency and impact on musics<<Dear Robin, to my point
562 jul28 Richard F. Lyon (7k) Re: the autocorrelation function for measuring the F0<<--============_-108951436
563 jul29 Chris Plack (8k) New Hearing Book<<--Apple-Mail-2-442442135 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Conte
564 jul29 Chris Plack (5k) New Hearing Book<<--Apple-Mail-3-444102914 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-pri
565 jul30 Eliot Handelman (5k) Re: Clarity of high/low frequency and impact on musics<<Robin Rader wrote: > > I
566 jul30 Freya Bailes (8k) Sonic communications--Postdoc/postgrad opportunities<<SONIC COMMUNICATIONS RESEA
567 aug01 Judy Brown (4k) seeking math ref for multi dimensional scaling<<I've been using matlab's functio
568 aug02 LI CL (4k) Question about P.862 (PESQ) or bug?<<I am working on speech quality assessment.
569 aug02 Brian C. J. Moor(6k) Research position<<Experimental investigation of the perceptual correlates of vi
570 aug08 David GRAYDEN (6k) HCSNet Co-sponsored Workshop: CONCEPTUALISING COMMUNICATION<<Call for papers: cl
571 aug08 Anthony Gritten (7k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 2 Aug 2005 to 7 Aug 2005 (#2005-155)<<I'm away until Wedne
572 aug08 Michael S. Gordo(6k) Sound Booth Purchase<<--Boundary_(ID_jp360HB3aoF7H5SuN64UBw) Content-type: text/
573 aug08 Pierre Divenyi (6k) Re: Sound Booth Purchase<<--=====================_608627265==.ALT Content-Type:
574 aug08 Yadong Wang (4k) Current status of automatic speech recognition in car<<Dear Fellows, Can anybody
575 aug09 Mark Hasegawa-Jo(4k) Re: Current status of automatic speech recognition in car<<Hi Yadong, Indeed, th
576 aug10 Eric Clarke (6k) Music and Consciousness conference<<Conference on Music and Consciousness 2426
577 aug13 John Usher (3k) High sample-rate recordings of real-world sound<<Dear List, Does anyone know how
578 aug13 Andrew Brouse (3k) Re: High sample-rate recordings of real-world sound<<Hello John, You might want
579 aug15 Dan Ellis (7k) Faculty jobs in Cognitive Psychogly and Neuroscience at Buffalo<<Dear List - I w
580 aug16 Chris Share (4k) HRTF Question<<Hi, I'm currently doing some research into head-related transfer
581 aug17 David GRAYDEN (5k) Re: HRTF Question<<Hi All, A related question: Are there any "generic" head-rela
582 aug16 David Mountain (5k) Re: HRTF Question<<The CIPIC HRTF collection from UC-Davis is quite extensive an
583 aug16 Scott Hildebrand(9k) HRTFs and CIPIC<<I used to work at CIPIC in Davis doing spatial audio research.
584 aug17 Keith Martin (4k) Re: HRTF Question<<David, The CIPIC database looks great (I wish that it had bee
585 aug17 Elena Grassi (6k) Re: HRTF Question<<Hi David, I have some HRTF's that I have measured myself whic
586 aug17 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?S(7k) Re: HRTF Question<<Dear Chris, As far as I am concerned, there is not a particul
587 aug17 Watson, Charles (9k) auditory learning<<Friends, We have been studying auditory learning off and on f
588 aug17 Ward R. Drennan(10k) Re: auditory learning<<Chuck, I recall our profile study (spectral shape discrim
589 aug20 Chuping Liu (4k) different talker IEEE database<<Dear List, Is anyone aware where I can obtain IE
590 aug22 Sridhar Kalluri (4k) Transcribed IEEE sentences<<Dear list: Is anybody willing to share a transcripti
591 aug23 Bruno L. Giordan(4k) equivalence principle<<Dear Auditory list, I recently came to know of the “equiv
592 aug24 John Neuhoff (5k) APCAM Deadline approaching<<Just a reminder that the deadline for abstract submi
593 aug24 Yang Shao (4k) Sound card volume calibration software<<Dear List, We are looking for a software
594 aug25 Ward R. Drennan (6k) Effect of duration on pitch perception<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
595 aug26 M.F. McKinney (8k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Ward, Here are a few of references t
596 aug26 Annemarie Seith(11k) Independence of pitch value and pitch salience<<This is a multi-part message in
597 aug26 Pinaki S. Chanda(5k) Hissing Noise removal<< This is a multipart mime message --Next_1125045504---0-2
598 aug26 Ju-Lee Hong (6k) Re: Call for participation: Software tools for expressive music<<Dear Dr Bresin,
599 aug26 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Dr. Drennan, In the book "Signa
600 aug26 Martin Braun (5k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Ward R. Drennan asked: >> Does anyon
601 aug26 William C. Treur(6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<One would think that the ear archite
602 aug26 Erik Larsen (8k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Martin, I don't agree with your reas
603 aug26 Roy Patterson (6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Ward, Martin and Erik, With regard t
604 aug26 Erik Larsen (7k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Roy, I looked up your paper. Your ex
605 aug26 Martin Braun (5k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear William, Erik, Roy, and others:
606 aug26 f.neff (4k) Auditory cues and visually impaired<<Dear members, I have just recently joined y
607 aug26 beaucham (5k) Re: Hissing Noise removal<<This technique must be well known in some circles bec
608 aug26 Flemming Vesterg(8k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<If you look at this from a computati
609 aug28 Goran Bozidar Ma(5k) Filter bank in PEAQ<<This is my first posting to this list, so first hello to al
610 aug28 Erik Larsen (7k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Hi Martin, I assume you're referring
611 aug29 Martin Braun (6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Flemming, Erik, and others, the
612 aug29 Martin Braun (6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Flemming, Erik, and others, the
613 aug29 Eckard Blumschei(5k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Martin, You wrote: > Patterson
614 aug29 Allan Goldstein (3k) Sustained Vowels<<Dear auditory List Does anyone know of a database that contain
615 aug29 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?H(6k) Ph.D. positions in Denmark<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -------
616 aug30 Vikram Dayalu (3k) Vikram Dayalu is out of the office.<<I will be out of the office starting 08/29/
617 aug30 Christian Kaernb(6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Martin, The short duration to r
618 aug30 Martin Braun (6k) Re: Effect of duration on pitch perception<<Dear Christian and list, > ........
619 aug31 Greg O'Beirne (7k) Two Audiology Lecturer or Senior Lecturer positions in New Zealand<<Dear list me
620 sep01 Richard Parncutt(4k) OMAS: Origins of musical aural skills<<Dear colleagues, We are looking for music
621 sep01 Andre Oliveira (10k) Hey ;)<<------=_Part_33020_1258499050.1125578817352 Content-Type: text/plain; ch
622 sep01 Monita Chatterje(3k) van Noorden thesis<<Dear list, I know this was mentioned before but can't locate
623 sep01 Adrian KC Lee (4k) Re: van Noorden thesis<<>Dear Monita, > >I believe you can find it using the fol
624 sep01 Leon van Noorden(5k) Re: van Noorden thesis<<Dear Monita and dear list, Please keep me informed about
625 sep02 Bernhard Laback (6k) Post-doctoral position in Cochlear Implant research in Vienna<<Post-Doctoral Res
626 sep05 Guy Brown (7k) IEEE TSAP: Special Issue on Blind Signal Processing for Speech and Audio Applica
627 sep06 Riana.Walsh (4k) errors in harmonic chord identification<<Dear list I am looking for information
628 sep07 Emilio Renard (6k) Re: errors in harmonic chord identification<<Dear Riana: I don´t know any study
629 sep07 Richard H. (6k) Upper/lower freq bounds for speech M/F/children ??<<This is a multi-part message
630 sep07 Bob Masta (4k) Re: Upper/lower freq bounds for speech M/F/children ??<<Traditionally, telephone
631 sep07 Erin E. Hannon (11k) Research Assistant Position<<--Apple-Mail-54--377172753 Content-Transfer-Encodin
632 sep07 Erin E. Hannon (15k) Re: Research Assistant Position<<--Apple-Mail-74--366201359 Content-Transfer-Enc
633 sep07 Eric Jacobs (4k) Software for chord identification<<Is there software for tone deaf people that c
634 sep07 Leon van Noorden(5k) Re: Software for chord identification<<I don't understand this question. The ton
635 sep07 Eric Jacobs (6k) Re: Software for chord identification<<I apologize if my post was not more clear
636 sep07 robert gjerdinge(5k) Re: Software for chord identification<<On Sep 7, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Eric Jacobs w
637 sep07 Eric Jacobs (6k) Re: Software for chord identification<<I play a few instruments casually, but I
638 sep08 Leon van Noorden(6k) Re: Software for chord identification<<Eric, I find this an interesting problem.
639 sep08 Eric Jacobs (7k) Re: Software for chord identification<<Leon, Pretty much all forms of music, pre
640 sep08 Toth Laszlo (4k) Re: Software for chord identification<<On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Eric Jacobs wrote: >
641 sep08 Eric Jacobs (5k) Re: Software for chord identification<<At least for classical pieces, yes, sheet
642 sep08 Hugo de Paula (6k) ENC: SBCM 2005: Call for Participation<<-----Mensagem original----- De: SBCM 200
643 sep08 Bruno Repp (5k) Re: errors in harmonic chord identification<<Dear Riana: I am relying on my (not
644 sep08 robert gjerdinge(6k) Re: errors in harmonic chord identification<<On Sep 6, 2005, at 8:12 AM, Riana.W
645 sep08 Tarun Pruthi (4k) Phonetics and Phonology<<Hi all, I don't know if this has already been discussed
646 sep09 alexander lerch (6k) Re: Software for chord identification<<Hi Eric, my suggestion would be to automa
647 sep09 Sascha Fagel (6k) AW: [AUDITORY] Phonetics and Phonology<<Dear Tarun, phonetics deals with the spe
648 sep09 Roland Mathijsse(5k) Re: Software for chord identification<<Hi, Two things that come to my mind (and
649 sep09 Christoph Wille (4k) WG: [AUDITORY] Software for chord identification<<Hello Eric Have a look to the
650 sep09 Mark Hasegawa-Jo(4k) Re: Phonetics and Phonology<< "Phonology is discrete, Phonetics is continuous."
651 sep09 Xuejing Sun (5k) BMLD questions<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_00
652 sep09 Erick Gallun (5k) Re: BMLD questions<<<html> <body> At 11:43 AM 9/9/2005, Xuejing Sun wrote:<br> <
653 sep09 Ben Hornsby (5k) Re: BMLD questions<<You might check out: Weston, P. B., & Miller, J. D. (1965).
654 sep09 Branka ZEI (5k) Re: [s]Re: Phonetics and Phonology<<Hello all, The difference between phonology
655 sep09 Norman M Weinber(4k) Sensory and Perceptual Learning, Conference<<The Eighth Conference on the Neurob
656 sep10 Douglas Creelman(4k) BMLD parameters<<Hello, I have a question regarding binaural masking level diffe
657 sep12 Tarun Pruthi (9k) Phonetics and Phonology: A compilation of answers<<Hi, I have compiled all the a
658 sep12 Kathryn Arehart (5k) Faculty Opening University of Colorado at Boulder<<The Department of Speech, Lan
659 sep13 Xuejing Sun (4k) Re: BMLD questions<<Thanks for all the replies. I appreciate your help. Best reg
660 sep13 f.neff (3k) Amek angela<<Hi list, Does anybody know if it is possible to rack mount the chan
661 sep13 =?iso-8859-1?Q?T(4k) lead vocal detection, removal and extraction<<hi, i have to do a "karaoke algori
662 sep13 Ward R. Drennan (7k) Speakers for speech testing<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------
663 sep13 Brent Edwards (5k) Re: Speakers for speech testing<<>From an AI perspective, the speaker response s
664 sep13 Nadine Gaab (11k) fMRI compatible sound system<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -----
665 sep14 Anders Friberg (6k) Re: Software for chord identification<<Hi Eric, You may check the large amount o
666 sep14 Daniel Silva (4k) representations: phonetic/phonological<<Hi In my opiniom concepts involving repr
667 sep15 Pat Randhawa (4k) New approach to frequency analysis<<Dear List, I have been working on defining a
668 sep15 Christine Rankov(7k) Re: Speakers for speech testing<<Loudspeakers that perform within the tolerances
669 sep16 William Noble (5k) reification<<-Hi I know practically nothing about phonetics or phonology, but I
670 sep15 Susan Rogers (17k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 12 Sep 2005 to 13 Sep 2005 (#2005-181)<<Quoting AUDITORY a
671 sep15 Eckard Blumschei(5k) Re: errors in harmonic chord identification<<Robert Gjerdingen wrote: > Currentl
672 sep15 Samu Mielonen (4k) Audio induced hearing loss mechanism overview<<I've scanned my psychoacoustics a
673 sep16 Richard H. (4k) Quantitative measures of hearing impairment?<<Hi, I am looking for a quick way t
674 sep16 Bob Masta (4k) Subject: lead vocal detection, removal and extraction<<Tobias: I'm no expert on
675 sep16 Fred Herzfeld (4k) Fourier decomposition<<Hello List: I am now about to make public some work on si
676 sep17 Naveen K.N. [MAH(7k) Modulation Enhancement<<--_5129CCBD-B708-49C1-835C-114B94E2E229_ Content-Type: t
677 sep16 Richard F. Lyon (5k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<At 7:20 PM -0400 9/16/05, Fred Herzfeld wrote: >I am
678 sep17 Mark Every (7k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<Hi Fred, Although the STFT coefficients do not direct
679 sep17 Bob Masta (4k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<On 16 Sep 2005 at 19:20, Fred Herzfeld wrote: > Hello
680 sep17 Richard F. Lyon (5k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<At 9:51 AM +0100 9/17/05, Mark Every wrote: >Although
681 sep18 beaucham (5k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<What is meant by "accurately"?. I.e., how do you test
682 sep19 Eckard Blumschei(7k) Re: Fourier decomposition<<Hello Fred, Maybe you did not get aware of my reply t
683 sep19 David Havelock (6k) Fourier decomposition<<A fairly detailed discussion of the problem, and a soluti
684 sep19 Paul Marie Guyon(5k) Re: Audio induced hearing loss important parameters<<I do not have the answer to
685 sep19 John K. Bates (5k) Re: errors in harmonic chord identification<<Eckard, It's interesting that you b
686 sep20 Martin Braun (8k) pitch in primate auditory cortex<<John Bates wrote: > ..... I refer to "The neur
687 sep20 Richard H. (5k) AAO-ACO-1979 v ASHA-1981 v Kryter-1998 v Wisconsin-1994 ?<<Hi, I have had a pla
688 sep20 Daniel Silva (4k) concept of representation in the speech sciences (trying again)<<Hi In my opinio
689 sep20 Monita Chatterje(3k) two-tone suppression<<Dear List, What is the latest on an explanation/model for
690 sep21 Martin Braun (4k) Re: two-tone suppression<<Monita Chatterjee asked: > What is the latest on an ex
691 sep21 Dan Ellis (6k) CFP: SAPA06 - Workshop on Statistical And Perceptual Audition<<Dear List - Pleas
692 sep21 Richard H. (5k) Critical bands v hearing loss<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ----
693 sep21 Ben Lineton (4k) Re: two-tone suppression<<Two-tone suppression can also arise from cochlear nonl
694 sep21 David Mountain (6k) Re: two-tone suppression<<Cochlear mechanical nonlinearity is most likely the re
695 sep21 Branka ZEI (10k) Re: [s]concept of representation in the speech sciences (trying again)<<Hello Li
696 sep21 Richard F. Lyon (4k) Re: two-tone suppression<<At 4:21 PM +0100 9/21/05, Ben Lineton wrote: >Two-tone
697 sep22 Vinay SN (7k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
698 sep23 Eric LePage (5k) Re: two-tone suppression<<I suspect that both saturation and automatic gain cont
699 sep22 John K. Bates (4k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss,etc.<<Dear List, I find it interesting that al
700 sep22 Monita Chatterje(5k) two-tone suppression...<<Dear John and List, The following, from David Mountain,
701 sep22 Paul Marie Guyon(4k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss,etc.<<Dear list, Could you enlight me ? What i
702 sep22 Al Bregman (4k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss,etc.<<Dear Paul-Marie, You will find a very go
703 sep24 Eric LePage (5k) Ping tinnitus questionnaire<<<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transit
704 sep24 Eric LePage (4k) Ping tinnitus questionnaire (ASCII)<<Hi all, My chance mentioning (under another
705 sep25 Satrajit Ghosh (4k) Portable speech recorder<<Dear List members, I know there has been a discussion
706 sep25 Scott D. Lipscom(7k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 24 Sep 2005 to 25 Sep 2005 (#2005-193)<<--================
707 sep26 Christophe Palli(4k) Re: Portable speech recorder<<Hello, I use a Marantz PMD670 which I am very happ
708 sep26 Bob Carlyon (3k) koss 950 electrostatic headphones<<has anyone done any calibrations of the above
709 sep26 Emmanuel Vincent(5k) call for papers on "Alternative models for audio source separation"<<Dear all, W
710 sep26 Richard H. (5k) UK English CDROM of spoken words?<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
711 sep26 Ferguson, Sarah (5k) position at the University of Kansas<<The Department of Speech-Language-Hearing:
712 sep27 beaucham (4k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<On Thu Sep 22 01:26:43 2005 Vinay S.N wrote:
713 sep27 beaucham (6k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<Dear List, I'm not sure about the hearing-aid
714 sep27 Sumitrajit Dhar(13k) Etymotic making 3-port ER10s<<--Apple-Mail-5--775332771 Content-Transfer-Encodin
715 sep28 Jan Schnupp (9k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
716 sep28 Richard H. (11k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
717 sep28 Arnaud Norena (4k) chopper neurons<<Hi all, chopper neurons in cochlear nucleus are known to have r
718 sep28 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<Hello ! As probably most List members know, t
719 sep28 Reinhart Frosch (4k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss (2)<<Hello again! After having sent off my fir
720 sep28 Martin Braun (5k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<Jan Schnupp asked: > ......... the impression
721 sep28 beaucham (6k) Re: Critical bands v hearing loss<<MPEG sound compressors work by coding spectra
722 sep29 Gregor Kohls (10k) Conference on Neurophysiology of Developmental Disorders in Children 2005<<Inter
723 sep29 John Grose (10k) position at UNC<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format... ------------=_11
724 sep29 Michael B. Howes(5k) Job Posting: Acoustic Engineer<<Greetings List. The Audio Business Unit of Logi
725 sep30 Marco Kobbenbrin(4k) Where is my private auditory information edit page?<<Hello, I could not find a l
726 sep30 Tarun Pruthi (4k) Speaker Recognition using nasality<<Hi all, I wanted to find out if anyone has w
727 sep30 Srikanth (5k) Database for Voice Quality<<--0-2075038192-1128111223=:13808 Content-Type: text/
728 oct01 Sanja Dupor (4k) Speaker Recognition using nasality<<Tarun, this is described in: Lo Soun Su, K.
729 oct03 Eric (6k) Conference on Music and Consciousness: Oct 14th deadline reminder<<REMINDER Conf
730 oct04 sujeet (6k) Information on effect of contralateral sound on cochlear microphonics & summatin
731 oct04 Stephen Holmes (3k) Multiple-choice questions<<Dear List, Does anyone know of any good sources of MC
732 oct04 Richard Etches (7k) FW: [psyc-staff-research] FW: University of Glasgow: PostdoctoralResearch Assist
733 oct04 tony stockman (13k) Preliminary CFP for ICAD'2006<<ICAD 12: First Call for Submissions The 12th Inte
734 oct04 William Yost (4k) From Bill Yost<<POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE IN AUDITORY SCIENCE Parmly Hearing Instit
735 oct04 Sri.Nagarajan (4k) Postdoc positions at UCSF<<Applications are invited for postdoctoral fellowships
736 oct05 Li Yujia (25k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 Oct 2005 to 4 Oct 2005 (#2005-201)<<Dear list, According
737 oct05 Jan Schnupp (26k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 3 Oct 2005 to 4 Oct 2005 (#2005-201)<<If you play two sine
738 oct05 Dermot Martin Ca(4k) NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Hello, I am a new memebr to the group. I
739 oct05 Anthony Gritten (4k) News: conference announcement, Music and Gesture 2<<__________________________ C
740 oct05 Pinaki S. Chanda(6k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<< This is a multipart mime message --N
741 oct05 Martin Braun (5k) two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<Jan Schnupp wrote: > If
742 oct05 Catherine Guasta(4k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Hello, On 5-Oct-05, at 05:26 , Dermot
743 oct05 Ramin Pichevar (4k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Hi, You may also have a look at paper
744 oct05 Maher, Rob (5k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Here is one thread you might pursue:
745 oct06 Richard H. (6k) Reverse Slope hearing Loss and hearing aids<<This is a multi-part message in MIM
746 oct06 Bob Masta (4k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<On 5 Oct 2005 at 16:
747 oct06 David Mountain (4k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<The inner hair cell
748 oct06 Alain de Chevei(15k) Professorship in Experimental Psychology or Neuroscience, U. Ren=?iso-8859-1?Q?=
749 oct06 =?iso-8859-1?Q?L(6k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Dear Dermot and list, As I understand
750 oct07 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<On October 6, 2005,
751 oct07 Bob Masta (4k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<On 7 Oct 2005 at 12:
752 oct07 beaucham (5k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<Bob, Recall the trig
753 oct07 Piotr Majdak (4k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<Bob Masta wrote: > I
754 oct07 Richard H. (6k) Boosting environmental noise detection with a parabolic sound mirror?<<This is a
755 oct07 Jeremy Paul Maro(4k) Re: NonIntrusive Audio Quality Assessment<<Dear Dermot, You can have a look on t
756 oct08 Bob Masta (5k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<Dear list: There is
757 oct08 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<On October 8, 2005,
758 oct09 Peter (6k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<dear list, I'm not q
759 oct09 Reinhart Frosch (5k) Re: two sine tones simultaneously within one critical band<<Hello Pete, At the b
760 oct10 Bernhard Laback (4k) Integration of ITD information<<Dear list, Is there any evidence for integration
761 oct10 Jan Schnupp (6k) Re: Integration of ITD information<<I must admit that I don't know the psychophy
762 oct11 David Magezi (6k) Re: Integration of ITD information<<Bernhard Laback wrote: > Dear list, > > Is t
763 oct11 Erick Gallun (5k) Re: Integration of ITD information<<I agree with David that the specific answer
764 oct11 Rain, Li Yujia (10k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Oct 2005 to 10 Oct 2005 (#2005-208)<<Dear List, I just s
765 oct11 Chuck Larson (6k) Call For Abstracts: ICVPB<<** CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ** The 5th International Confer
766 oct11 Christian Kaernb(5k) Re: Integration of ITD information<<Dear Bernhard, I suppose you look up the wor
767 oct12 Bob Carlyon (4k) STAX electrostatic<<Does anyone have calibrations of stax electrostatic headphon
768 oct12 Antje Ihlefeld (6k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 9 Oct 2005 to 10 Oct 2005 (#2005-208)<<In addition to what
769 oct12 Susan Rogers (4k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 7 Oct 2005 to 8 Oct 2005 (#2005-206)<<Dear List: I am tryi
770 oct12 Daniel Oberfeld (5k) B=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9k=E9sy?= tracking<<Dear list: we want to use Békésy tracking
771 oct17 Tianshu Qu (6k) Onset detection<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_0
772 oct17 Professor Leslie(5k) Re: Onset detection<<Dear Tianshu Qu: I suggest L.S. Smith, D. S. Fraser, Robust
773 oct17 alexander lerch (4k) Re: Onset detection<<Hi, you might want to check the publications by (not sorted
774 oct17 Dermot Martin Ca(4k) WPESQ<<Hello, Is WPESQ an official ITU standard now? Does anyone have any links
775 oct17 Fabien Gouyon (5k) Re: Onset detection<<You may be interested in reading chapter 4 of the following
776 oct17 Guoning Hu (19k) Re: Onset detection<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPa
777 oct18 sujeet (5k) Req:Few information on summating potentials<<--0-352373669-1129642445=:83518 Con
778 oct18 ismail uysal (4k) Harvard Sentences<<Dear List, Is there anyplace where I can download the harvard
779 oct18 ismail uysal (4k) IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding 2000<<Dear List, Could anybody send me the sound
780 oct18 Virginie van Was(7k) acoustic foam and soundproofing<<--=====================_27869634==.ALT Content-
781 oct19 Mike Ravicz (5k) Re: acoustic foam and soundproofing<<Hi Virginie, > we would like to soundproof
782 oct19 Michael J Epstei(3k) sources for optimal speaker placement in auditoriums?<<Can anyone recommend sour
783 oct20 Martin Cooke (5k) Speech separation challenge problem<<Dear list SPEECH SEPARATION CHALLENGE! Do y
784 oct20 sudipt barick (6k) Hearing_aids_standards<<--0-1989791908-1129816078=:88586 Content-Type: text/plai
785 oct20 Michael Fulton (4k) LIE DETECTION / VOCAL STRESS<<<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Hi there,<
786 oct20 Richard F. Lyon (7k) Licklider Pitch<<--============_-1082252936==_ma============ Content-Type: text/
787 oct21 Mark Huckvale (5k) Re: LIE DETECTION / VOCAL STRESS<<There was a summary of the current state of th
788 oct21 Toth Laszlo (4k) Re: LIE DETECTION / VOCAL STRESS<<On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Mark Huckvale wrote: > >
789 oct21 Brian Gygi (4k) Re: LIE DETECTION / VOCAL STRESS<<I was hoping the political dimensions of this
790 oct21 Robert Rowe (9k) NYU Position Announcement<<--Apple-Mail-2--874439204 Content-Transfer-Encoding:
791 oct21 Prof Roger K Mo(19k) Re: LIE DETECTION / VOCAL STRESS<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -
792 oct21 Fred Herzfeld (39k) Licklider pitch<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------0608
793 oct24 John G. Beerends(4k) Re: WPESQ<<1) Yes 2) (tempo
794 oct25 FATIMA HUSAIN (4k) Instruction for subjects<<Dear List I am running some pilot behavioral studies o
795 oct25 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Fatima, Is there a gap/noise burst in both stimuli
796 oct25 Al Bregman (7k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Dear Fatima and List, One way to deal with the fac
797 oct25 Pierre Divenyi (3k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Fatima, I also recommend that you look up Nakajima
798 oct26 FATIMA HUSAIN (4k) Re: Instructions for Subjects<<Thank you to Pierre Divenyi, Jeffrey Sable, Trevo
799 oct26 Jont Allen (4k) new book<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------03060007000
800 oct26 Jesteadt, Walt (12k) Positions available<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextP
801 oct27 John Culling (4k) post-doctoral position<<Dear all, A post doctoral position is available at Cardi
802 oct27 Bruno Repp (6k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Dear Fatima: I found your observations interesting
803 oct27 Pierre Divenyi (5k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Fatima, Bruno: The continuity effect for glide per
804 oct28 FATIMA HUSAIN (5k) Re: Instruction for subjects<<Dear All, I think that the continuity illusion phe
805 oct28 chen-gia tsai (5k) a different pitch in the right ear than in the left ear<<Dear List, I am interes
806 oct31 Sanja Dupor (3k) B&K 1800<<Dear list, do anybody have any B&K 1800 audiogram chard to share with
807 oct31 Pierre Divenyi (3k) Re: B&K 1800<<B&K is Danish, not Swiss, so I doubt anyone has the chard. Pierre
808 oct31 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?S(7k) Re: B&K 1800<<This is a multipart message in MIME format. --=_alternative 0076BD
809 oct31 Tony J. Miller (6k) Ph.D. Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology<<Listmembers- Coul
810 oct31 Matt Marble (4k) vibration and rainfall<<hello all, i am curious if anyone knows where i might be
811 nov01 =?iso-8859-1?Q?B(5k) Re: B&K 1800<<As B&K is probably neither in the cheese nor in the chocolate busi
812 nov01 Jan Schnupp (5k) Re: vibration and rainfall<<Dear Matt, on Charles Spence's recommendation I got
813 nov01 H.Hacihabiboglu (5k) Swiss Chard<<I guess a visit to the greengrocers (either in Denmark or in Switze
814 nov02 Ye Changquan (4k) Does noise mask exist in rat primary auditory cortex?<<Dear all, I am a ph.D stu
815 nov02 Wichian Sittipra(8k) Re: Does noise mask exist in rat primary auditory cortex?<<------=_Part_25_19161
816 nov02 Ye Changquan (6k) Re: Does noise mask exist in rat primary auditory cortex?<<Hi Wichian, I guess I
817 nov02 poppy crum (4k) Re: Instructions for Subjects<<Hi Fatima, It was actually the Ciocca study that
818 nov04 Ajith Kumar U (5k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 1 Nov 2005 to 2 Nov 2005 (#2005-224)<<Dear List, Has any b
819 nov04 Anthony Gritten (7k) CFP: Music and Gesture 2, 20-23 July 2006, RNCM (UK)<<__________________________
820 nov04 Virginie van Was(6k) auditory objects corpus/database<<--=====================_6722816==.ALT Content-
821 nov04 Brian Gygi (4k) Re: auditory objects corpus/database<<Hi Virginie, By ecological sounds I presum
822 nov04 Edward Large (4k) role of inhibition in phase-locking<<Dear List, I wondering if someone out there
823 nov04 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(5k) Re: auditory objects corpus/database<<Hello Virginie, Can you be more precise on
824 nov07 Sascha Fagel (10k) AW: [AUDITORY] auditory objects corpus/database<<This is a multi-part message in
825 nov07 Sascha Fagel (6k) Re: auditory objects corpus/database<<Dear Virginie, dear list, Here are some mo
826 nov07 Ranjit Randhawa (4k) Evaluative Bivalence<<Dear List, Continuing my explorations using the priniciple
827 nov07 David Mountain (5k) Re: auditory objects corpus/database<<The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a very
828 nov07 akontides (5k) informational masking<<--0-1267917104-1131384880=:60022 Content-Type: text/plain
829 nov07 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(5k) Re: auditory objects corpus/database<<Dear Virginie, I composed an auditory scen
830 nov07 Erick Gallun (5k) Re: informational masking<<<html> <body> Hi Alejandra,<br><br> To my knowledge,
831 nov07 Richard Nance (5k) studies using auditory objects corpus/database<<I've asked this before on this l
832 nov08 Vidya Ganesh (5k) ARO Conference<<------=_Part_1159_16428748.1131454650580 Content-Type: text/plai
833 nov10 Stuart Rosen (5k) Job opportunity in acoustic phonetics at City U, London, UK<<<!DOCTYPE html PUB
834 nov10 David Magezi (5k) Re: ARO Room mate<<Dear All I hope this appropriate use of the list; I seek a ro
835 nov10 Ken Grant (14k) Job Announcement - Two Research Associate Positions at Walter Reed.<<This is a m
836 nov10 Matt Marble (4k) reverb software<<<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE></DIV><BR>
837 nov11 Anders Friberg (5k) Re: reverb software<<Matt Marble wrote: > > i wonder if you could refer me to an
838 nov15 Nikolai Novitski(4k) frequency discrimination in newborns<<Dear list, I am working on a project study
839 nov15 John ffitch (3k) Rhythm perception<<We were discussing rhythm patterns the other day and the ques
840 nov15 Christine Rankov(5k) Bose noise cancelllation headphones<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format
841 nov15 Henkjan Honing (5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<I guess the problem you refer to is "beat induction": how
842 nov15 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<I will provide you an answer as simplistic as the deducti
843 nov15 Dan Ellis (4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<>> We were discussing rhythm patterns the other day and t
844 nov15 Edward Large (7k) Re: Rhythm perception<<John, The start of a rhythmic pattern does not always coi
845 nov15 Henkjan Honing (5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<On 15 Nov 2005, at 15:27, Dan Ellis wrote: >>> We were di
846 nov15 Leon van Noorden(6k) Re: Rhythm perception<<Henkjan, I would say that finding the downbeat comes afte
847 nov15 Henkjan Honing (5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<On 15 Nov 2005, at 16:56, Leon van Noorden wrote: > I wou
848 nov15 Ole =?ISO-8859-1(7k) Re: Rhythm perception<<jpff@CS.BATH.AC.UK den 15. november 2005 kl. 13:40 +0100
849 nov15 Linda Seltzer (6k) Re: Rhythm perception<<In some African music the emphsis can be on the *last* be
850 nov15 Mikael Fernstrom(4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<John, Intuitively, I would say that it's something we lea
851 nov15 Dan Ellis (6k) Re: Rhythm perception<<Dear List - Following our earlier discussion, I contacted
852 nov16 Brian Gygi (4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<I recall once when I played bass once in a salsa band, th
853 nov16 Michael C. Brady(4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<I ran an experiment a few years ago where I had musicians
854 nov16 Kenneth Kragh Je(7k) Effect of anesthetics on hearing<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -
855 nov16 Christophe Palli(5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<Hum, Is 2) not in contradiction with Carolyn Drake's find
856 nov16 Daniel Rowan (4k) Vacancy for Research Fellow at ISVR<<Research Fellow Institute of Sound and Vibr
857 nov16 Toth Laszlo (4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<On Wed, 16 Nov 2005, Christophe Pallier wrote: > that mus
858 nov16 Kenneth Kragh J(10k) Effect of anesthetics on hearing (better formulation)<<This is a multi-part mess
859 nov16 Michael C. Brady(5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<Right, Musicians on the whole tapped faster along with th
860 nov16 Snyder, Joel S (10k) Rhythm perception<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPar
861 nov16 Linda Seltzer (5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<One possible difference between musicians and non-musicia
862 nov16 Vermiglio, Andy (4k) Re: Rhythm perception<<In some forms of Fusion jazz it is desirable to "go over
863 nov16 Tom Lee (4k) question about overtones<<Dear list, Does anyone have information about the ampl
864 nov17 beaucham (6k) Re: question about overtones<<Tom, The amplitudes of "overtones" or harmonics ba
865 nov17 Luis Gustavo Mar(5k) Re: question about overtones<<Dear Tom, The relative amplitude of the overtones
866 nov17 Sascha Fagel (7k) AW: [AUDITORY] question about overtones<<Dear Tom, at least in speech and singin
867 nov17 Fabien Gouyon (6k) PhD thesis defense annoucement - Computational rhythm description<<Dear List, Fo
868 nov17 Ranjit Randhawa (5k) Re: question about overtones<<Dear Tom I have proposed in the past that as far a
869 nov17 Michael Fulton (5k) Re: Rhythm perception<<> >We were discussing rhythm patterns the other day and t
870 nov17 Luis Gustavo Mar(6k) Re: Rhythm perception<<A couple of additional references in this area: Fabien Go
871 nov17 Kristoffer Jense(4k) Re: question about overtones<<Tom. If you set the amplitudes a(k)=(B/(B-1))^(-k)
872 nov18 Philip Dorrell (6k) Re: Rhythm perception (is really speech rhythm perception)<<According to my "sup
873 nov18 Stefan Crawcour (5k) "Objective segmenting"<<--0-2123943481-1132310170=:3387 Content-Type: text/plain
874 nov18 Boris DEFREVILLE(5k) zwicker's loudness calculation<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---
875 nov18 Bernard Kripkee(10k) Objective Segmenting<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextP
876 nov19 Stefan Crawcour (6k) Re: objective segmenting<<--0-1649732758-1132403736=:40425 Content-Type: text/pl
877 nov19 Jont Allen (7k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 17 Nov 2005 to 18 Nov 2005 (#2005-233)<<This is a multi-pa
878 nov20 Jan Schnupp (7k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 17 Nov 2005 to 18 Nov 2005 (#2005-233)<<Dear Jont and coll
879 nov21 Zoltan Fodroczi (4k) head directivity data & phoneme spectral statistic<<Dear Members, First I'd like
880 nov21 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: head directivity data & phoneme spectral statistic<<Dear Zoltan, If by "dire
881 nov21 Mike Ravicz (5k) Re: head directivity data & phoneme spectral statistic<<Hello Zoltan, > I'd like
882 nov22 #ARIJIT BISWAS#(11k) Spectral Distortion in Lattice Filters<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
883 nov22 Hacihabiboglu H (6k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 20 Nov 2005 to 21 Nov 2005 (#2005-236)<<Hello Zoltan, Ther
884 nov22 Zoltan Fodroczi (4k) Re: head directivity data<<Dear Members, Probably, I managed to purely express m
885 nov22 Ken Grant (13k) Job Announcement - Computational Systems Modeler / Computer Programmer at Walter
886 nov22 Emilio Renard (4k) Auditory image<<Dear list: I would like know if "auditory image" does reference
887 nov23 Hacihabiboglu H (6k) Re: Mouth directivity (was head directivity)<<Zoltan, I guess you're trying to r
888 nov23 Michael G. Heinz(6k) Faculty position in systems neurophysiology and/or neuroengineering<<Hi, The ad
889 nov23 f.neff (4k) MIDI<<Dear List, I have a question with regard to MIDI. Does the start bit and s
890 nov23 Maher, Rob (4k) ultrasonic hearing via bone conduction<<I recently received a query from a colle
891 nov24 =?iso-8859-1?Q?L(6k) Re: ultrasonic hearing via bone conduction<<Hi Rob, I think the audio equipment
892 nov24 kent walker (4k) Re: MIDI<<>Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 19:39:16 +0000 >From: "f.neff" <fn2@CSMAIL.UCC
893 nov24 kent walker (6k) Re: Ultrasonic Hearing in Music Recording & Reproduction<<>Date: Wed, 23 Nov 200
894 nov24 Pawel Kusmierek (6k) Re: Ultrasonic Hearing in Music Recording & Reproduction<<> Does music contain u
895 nov24 lazzaro (5k) Re: Ultrasonic Hearing in Music Recording & Reproduction<<Hi everyone, In the pr
896 nov25 kent walker (8k) Ultrasonic Hearing in Music Recording & Reproduction<<Quoting AUDITORY automatic
897 nov27 Maher, Rob (9k) Faculty position in computer engineering, bioinformatics, computa tional biology
898 nov27 Scharine, Angeli(6k) Re: Ultrasonic Hearing (via bone conduction!)<<I'll admit that I don't know much
899 nov27 Matt Marble (4k) Re: Ultrasonic Hearing (via bone conduction!)<<<html><div style='background-colo
900 nov29 Stephen McAdams (6k) ASU Faculty Position in Psychology for Media Arts and Sciences<<Tenure-Track Fac
901 dec01 Olivier Tache (4k) Audio interfaces survey<<Dear list, I'm currently working on a very general surv
902 dec01 Regis Rossi A. F(6k) Re: Audio interfaces survey<<Hi, sound cards generally target PC/Mac buses, like
903 dec01 Elena Grassi (7k) Re: Audio interfaces survey<<Olivier, one issue to consider is how many channels
904 dec02 Lori Holt (6k) Postdoctoral Position - Holt Lab - Carnegie Mellon University - Auditory/Speech
905 dec05 Richard M. Warre(8k) The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<Dear List, Questions concer
906 dec06 Allan Goldstein (4k) Stapes delay<<I am using Malcom Slaneys MatLab implementation of Lyon's cochlear
907 dec06 David Mountain (4k) Re: Stapes delay<<I suggest you take a look Figure 15 in: Recio-Spinoso A, Temch
908 dec06 Rob Bennett (4k) Software for .EPS waveform transcription?<<Hello. I'm looking for any suggestion
909 dec06 Pierre Divenyi (3k) Re: Software for .EPS waveform transcription?<<Hi Rob, Why don't you use Matlab?
910 dec07 Emmanuel Vincent(4k) MUSHRAM 1.0<<MUSHRAM 1.0 has been released! Download page: http://www.elec.qmul.
911 dec09 Robbin Miranda (4k) Insert earphones for ERP studies<<We are looking for insert earphones to use dur
912 dec09 Gerry Stefanatos(4k) Re: Insert earphones for ERP studies<<Etymotic Research produces some of the bes
913 dec10 Al Bregman (12k) Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<Dear Dick, Your reply t
914 dec12 McGill Universit(4k) Subscription probe for AUDITORY - please ignore<<Mon, 12 Dec 2005 06:00:08 This
915 dec12 Christopher Fra(15k) Second Call for Submissions for ICAD 2006<<ICAD 12: Second Call for Submissions
916 dec12 Richard M. Warre(9k) Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<Dear Al, I agree comple
917 dec12 beaucham (4k) pitch tracking program needed<<I've recently been contacted by an audiologist wo
918 dec12 Brandon Abbs (6k) Transcriptions of Simple Melodies<<--Apple-Mail-5--663438053 Content-Transfer-En
919 dec12 Andrew Brouse (5k) Re: pitch tracking program needed<<Hi James, Here's one possibility: Mac the Sco
920 dec12 Chris Stecker (7k) subtraction and distributed function [was Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/T
921 dec12 Mary Andrianopou(5k) Re: pitch tracking program needed<<I believe Kay-Pentax (Lincoln Park, NJ) also
922 dec13 Bernhard Laback (4k) Headphones for virtual acoustics<<Dear list, We are looking for headphones to pr
923 dec13 Michael Akeroyd (4k) Re: Transcriptions of Simple Melodies<<Dear Brandon The simple melodies develope
924 dec13 Sebastien Barre (4k) Re: Headphones for virtual acoustics<<Dear Bernhard, I would suggest you to perf
925 dec14 McAnally, Ken (5k) Re: [Spam Detected] Headphones for virtual acoustics<<Hi Bernhard A frequency re
926 dec13 Al Bregman (7k) Re: subtraction and distributed function [was Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusi
927 dec14 Israel Nelken (5k) Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<Dear all, There's some
928 dec14 Bob Carlyon (10k) Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<--=====================
929 dec14 FATIMA HUSAIN (12k) Re: subtraction and distribution function (was ACI/TI)<<Dear Al, Chris, Richard
930 dec14 Bernhard U. Seeb(6k) Re: Headphones for virtual acoustics<<Hi Bernhard, As previously suggested, equa
931 dec14 Ken Grant (13k) Two POST-DOC Positions at the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Resear
932 dec15 Stephen McAdams (8k) McGill University post-doctoral position in auditory perception<<POST-DOCTORAL P
933 dec15 Stephen Grossber(6k) Re: The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction<<Dear All, The following
934 dec15 Nicoleta Roman (7k) Ph.D. dissertation announcement: Sound Source Segregation<<Dear auditory list me
935 dec15 Christopher Fra(13k) ICAD 2006 Concert Call for Submissions<<ICAD 2006 Concert Call for Sonifications
936 dec16 Guillaume Potard(4k) Re: Headphones for virtual acoustics<<This site is useful for comparing the freq
937 dec16 Christopher Pet(11k) The Auditory Continuity Illusion/Temporal Induction: Expanding the Discussion<<D
938 dec16 Goran Bozidar Ma(4k) PEAQ Advanced model<<Hello to all who are reading this. I have implemented advan
939 dec16 asaram (5k) R-SPIN transcript<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart
940 dec16 RAJKISHORE PRAS(25k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 15 Dec 2005 to 16 Dec 2005 (#2005-254)<<--0-665066220-1134
941 dec17 Al Bregman (7k) Re: Ph.D. dissertation announcement: Sound Source Segregation<<Hi Nicoleta, Than
942 dec17 Al Bregman (4k) Re: Ph.D. dissertation announcement: Sound Source Segregation<<Dear Harry, Any c
943 dec17 Chris Darwin (5k) continuity and grouping<<One more jot to the continuity/grouping series: Here is
944 dec17 Pierre Divenyi (5k) : Sound Source Segregation and head motion<<--=====================_19680859==.A
945 dec18 Al Bregman (4k) Head movement<<Hi Pierre and List, In addition, as you move your head, the chang
946 dec18 Christian Kaernb(7k) Hean Movements and Sound Source Segregation<<Dear Al, This is an interesting que
947 dec18 Michael Mandel (8k) Re: Hean Movements and Sound Source Segregation<<Also, in the late 1930s Hans Wa
948 dec18 beaucham (4k) Re: Head movement<<Al, Pierre, and all, One thought that comes to mind is a subs
949 dec18 Al Bregman (6k) Re: Head movement and ASA<<Dear Jim, Thanks for pointing out the importance of t
950 dec18 Pierre Divenyi (4k) Re: Head movement and ASA<<Dear Al, The major problem with the complex (=multi-s
951 dec19 A.J. Aranyosi (9k) Re: Hean Movements and Sound Source Segregation<<Dear list, I'm also not aware o
952 dec19 Israel Nelken (6k) Re: Head movement and ASA<<We actually implemented (and published, Jacobson et a
953 dec19 Peter Lennox (9k) Fwd: Fw: subtraction and distributed function [was Re: The Auditory Continuity I
954 dec19 Peter Lennox (7k) Re: : Sound Source Segregation and head motion<<On this question of head movemen
955 dec19 Erik Larsen (11k) Re: Hean Movements and Sound Source Segregation<<On the same note, head motion h
956 dec19 John Neuhoff (8k) Re: Head movement and ASA<< Hi Pierre, Check out Bill Chapin's company (Ausim In
957 dec19 Peter Lennox (10k) Re: Head movement and ASA (and spinning)<<Although one can make a plausible argu
958 dec19 Ramani Duraiswam(8k) Re: Head movement and ASA<<Dear List, As observed by In our simulation of virtua
959 dec20 Bill Noble (4k) head movement<<See Perrett, S. & Noble, W. The effect of head rotations on verti
960 dec19 Fred Herzfeld (5k) Sound Source Segregation and head motion<<Hi List Members, I was hoping that I w
961 dec20 Elena Grassi (5k) Re: Sound Source Segregation and head motion<<Fred...just a short comment, you s
962 dec21 Regis Rossi A. F(7k) 4th AES Brazil Conference 2006 - Call for Papers<<Please find below the Call for
963 dec21 Wichian Sittipr(16k) Re: 4th AES Brazil Conference 2006 - Call for Papers<<------=_Part_22431_3581089
964 dec21 Jacob William Sc(8k) Head Motion Experiments<<I thought maybe our lab (Steve Colburn's Binaural Heari
965 dec21 Pierre Divenyi (3k) Re: Head Motion Experiments<<Jacob and list: I should also mention the CIPIC (UC
966 dec22 Glynn, Charles ((6k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 19 Dec 2005 to 20 Dec 2005 (#2005-258)<<Un-subscribe pleas
967 dec27 L-Soft list serv(4k) Subscription probe for AUDITORY - please ignore<<Tue, 27 Dec 2005 00:42:58 This
968 dec27 Ioana M. Dalca (3k) speakers in sequential streaming studies<<Hello, I have been looking into the us
969 dec28 Kun She (6k) a question about phase vocoder<<------=_Part_63_15508334.1135757514428 Content-T
970 dec29 Kun She (8k) Re: a question about phase vocoder<<------=_Part_1284_32179480.1135827262448 Con
971 dec29 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?C(4k) in-ears<<Dear list, I'm looking for papers drawing corrolation between the use o
972 dec29 Narayanaswamy Ba(4k) Onset detection data<<------=_Part_43269_6841900.1135882352385 Content-Type: tex
973 dec30 Emmanuel Vincent(4k) Re: Onset detection data<<Dear Narayanaswamy, The data of MIREX 2005 are not ava
DAn Ellis <>
Dept. of Elec. Eng., Columbia