Pitch extraction with RAPT on Windows and Linux (li qi ying )

Subject: Pitch extraction with RAPT on Windows and Linux
From:    li qi ying  <liqy(at)CIS.PKU.EDU.CN>
Date:    Thu, 30 Dec 2004 10:53:12 +0800

Dear Members: Happy New Year! I want to extract pitch with RAPT(Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking),I know that ESPS used this algorithm and provide source code,but it's on UNIX. There's also some toolkits like wavsurfer on Windows and Linux,use RAPT to extract pitch,but they use TCK/TK, it's not convenient to embed this function in other programs. I want to know if there's pitch extraction codes in C/C++ for Windows or Linux. Thanks a lot. Regards.         Li Qying         liqy(at)cis.pku.edu.cn Center for Information Science,Peking University Beijing,China           2004-12-30

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