Re: The calculation of Speech Intelligibility Index (Chas Pavlovic )

Subject: Re: The calculation of Speech Intelligibility Index
From:    Chas Pavlovic  <cpavlovic(at)YAHOO.COM>
Date:    Sat, 25 Dec 2004 18:46:26 -0800
Comments:DomainKeys? See

As Dr. Edwards said you would be able to find programs for the SII calculations at WWW.SII.TO. The standard itself, which is a combination of the original AI standard, the STI standard, and the unprecedented amount of scholarly work on its validation and improvement, gives references to important work on these topics that you should be aware of. The standard committe is also anxious to hear from anybody having constructive comments with regard to improving the standard. Our goal is to make sure the SII procedure adapts to the current state of the art. Chas Pavlovic Chair ANSI S3.5 --- gao qingwa <wolfeatgoat(at)HOTMAIL.COM> wrote: > Hi > Is there anybody who knows how to calculate the > Speech Intelligibility > Index and the intelligibility weighted > signal-to-noise ratio improvement? > Both of them were released by ASA in ANSI S3.5-1997. > If you know, tell me > by email. thanks > > _________________________________________________________________ > Ãâ·ÑÏÂÔØ MSN Explorer: > > > __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.

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