noise-cancelling headphones (beaucham )

Subject: noise-cancelling headphones
From:    beaucham  <beaucham(at)MANFRED.MUSIC.UIUC.EDU>
Date:    Fri, 3 Dec 2004 08:53:16 -0600

When conducting listening tests in labs with significant background noise due to computers, etc., it seems like noise-cancelling headphones would be a good solution. I see on Amazon the following items: Type Cost %sales 1) Bose $299 63 2) Sennheiser PXC 250 $130 20 3) JVC HANC100 $150 5 4) Sony MDR-NC20 $106 5 5) Panasonic RP-HC70 $28 3 Are any of these suitable for listening tests? What are their drawbacks? Jim Beauchamp jwbeauch(at)

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