Re: Pitch perception shift caused by carbamazepine and yawning (Matt Flax )

Subject: Re: Pitch perception shift caused by carbamazepine and yawning
From:    Matt Flax  <flatmax(at)MATT.FLAX>
Date:    Thu, 2 Dec 2004 02:14:15 +1100

Hi, I can understand your psychological explination for the connection between pitch shift and signal intensity, however I would like to refer to Zhang's paper from 1996 which discusses the CM recording from the mammalian ear [1]. This paper clearly indicates some physiological mechanism which induces a CM best frequency shift with input signal intensity shift. It is suggested in the article that it is the active feedback (AF) which alters the best frequency. Now best frequency and pitch aren't really the same thing, however it is likely that there is a connection. Matt [1] (at)Article{Zhang:1996, author = {Zhang, M. and Zwislocki, J.J.}, title = {Intensity-dependent peak shift in cochlear transfer functions at the cellular level, its elimination by sound exposure, and its possible under lying mechanisms}, journal = {Hearing Research}, year = {1996}, volume = {96}, number = {1-2}, pages = {46-58}, month = {July} } On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 03:34:37PM +0100, Martin Braun wrote: > John Neuhoff wrote: > > > Of course there are plenty of studies that demonstrate that changes in > > loudness can influence the pitch of same-frequency tones, starting with > > the classic work of Stevens on equal pitch contours. > > Such studies need to be interpreted with much caution. The often claimed > dependence of pitch on sound level simply is based on poor interpretation of > the data and should be called a scientific artefact. There definitely is an > independence of level and pitch in hearing. > > When a violin plays a steady-state C4 from piano to forte, neither the > player nor an experienced listener hears a pitch shift. It can happen, > however, than an inexperienced listener says that the tone went up. This is > a typical confusion of perceptional qualities, but it has nothing to do with > limitations of our auditory system. Similarly, if somebody confuses > brightness and contrast in vision, we would not suggest that the confusion > is due to limitations of human vision. > > Interestingly, the propensity to confuse level shift with pitch shift is > well reflected in some of our "natural" languages. Even such sophisticated > languages as Spanish and Swedish have no particular word for "loud". They > use the word "high" when meaning "loud". So "alto" in Spanish and "h?g" in > Swedish are used both for high pitch and for high loudness. > > The origin of the close association (and confusion) of the categories > "level" and "pitch" probably lies in speech. In agitated speech both go up > simultaneously, and in tired speech both go down simultaneously. > > Martin > > ---------------------------- > Martin Braun > Neuroscience of Music > S-671 95 Klassbol > Sweden > web site: -- MFFM Bit Stream : Other Projects :

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