Spectral moments in vowel perception (Jyrki Tuomainen )

Subject: Spectral moments in vowel perception
From:    Jyrki Tuomainen  <jyrtuoma(at)UTU.FI>
Date:    Fri, 5 Nov 2004 11:48:39 +0200

Hello list, we are investigating the employment of different whole spectrum attributes in vowel perception (especially in discrimination), and I would be happy for any pointers to literature that shows that spectral moments of vowels (e.g., center of gravity) are represented (or not!) somewhere in the auditory pathway. Thanks, -- Jyrki Tuomainen Phonetics (Juslenia) Henrikinkatu 2 FI-20014 University of Turku FINLAND email: jyrtuoma(at)utu.fi http://www.phon.utu.fi/index_eng.html

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