Subject: Re: the efferent auditory system From: Matt Flax <flatmax(at)MATT.FLAX> Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 14:36:07 +1100Hi Matt, Yes, you can find some interesting treatments of efferent feedback in models .... These include [1] and [2], which treat the processes local to the Organ of Corti (OoC), yet under the influence of efferent feedback. This year there have been others. which include [3] which treats [1] beyond the OHC an more targeting the entire OoC. A physiological basis is treated in [4] and [5] which deals with a lumped model of the neural periphery and treats the mechanical cochlea as a gammatone filter. [4] and [5] treat the system with unknown physiological elements left out ... even though these elements are left out, alot of experimental observations can still be explained. Hope that helps Matt [1] (at)Article{Stasiunas:2003, author = {Stasiunas, A. and Verikas, A. and Kemesis, P. and Bacauskiene, M. and Miliauskas, R. and Stasiuniene, N. and Malmqvist, K.}, title = {A non-linear circuit for simulating OHC of the cochlea}, journal = {Medical Engineering \& Physics}, year = {2003}, volume = {25}, number = {7}, pages = {591-601}, month = {Sep.} } [2] (at)InProceedings{Flax:2002, author = {Flax, M.R.}, title = {Afferent/Efferent Pitch Processing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Australian International Conference on Speech Science \& Technology Melbourne}, year = {2002}, month = {December}, organization = {Australian Speech Science \& Technology Association Inc.} } [3] (at)Article{Stasiunas:2004, author = {Stasiunas, A. and Verikas, A. and Kemesis, P. and Bacauskiene, M. and Miliauskas, R. and Stasiuniene, N. and Malmqvist, K.}, title = {A multi-channel adaptive nonlinear filtering structure realizing some properties of the hearing system}, journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine}, year = {2004}, volume = {in-press} } [4] (at)InProceedings{Flax:2004a, author = {Flax, M.R. and Holmes, W.H.}, title = {A Lumped Model of the Neural Peripheral and Central Nervous Auditory Link - Qualitative View I}, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing}, year = {2004} } [5] (at)InProceedings{Flax:2004b, author = {Flax, M.R. and Holmes, W.H.}, title = {A Lumped Model of the Neural Peripheral and Central Nervous Auditory Link - Qualitative View II}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10'th Australian International Conference on Speech Science \& Technology}, year = {2004}, organization = {Australian Speech Science \& Technology Association Inc.} } On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 11:15:44AM -0800, Matt Marble wrote: > <html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE></DIV> > <DIV>Hello, listmembers,</DIV> > <DIV> </DIV> > <DIV>I am curious if anyone is doing any interesting work/research on the efferent auditory system (i am just beginning to learn about it at the moment).</DIV> > <DIV> </DIV> > <DIV>i am also considering applying to mcgill as a graduate student (perhaps via the CIRMMT) in the near future. i'm hoping to alloy science and composition. any suggestions, comments, advice, etc.</DIV> > <DIV> </DIV> > <DIV>Thanks,</DIV> > <DIV> Matt Marble</DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="" target="_top">Rock, jazz, country, soul & more. Find the music you love on MSN Music!</a> </html> -- WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod : FFTw C++ : Vector Bass : Multimedia Time Code :