mathematics for signal processing groups (#ARIJIT BISWAS# )

Subject: mathematics for signal processing groups
From:    #ARIJIT BISWAS#  <arijit17(at)PMAIL.NTU.EDU.SG>
Date:    Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:25:37 +0800

Dear Multiple recipients of the list: This may not be a relevant topic for this group. But, I am curious to know if there is any similar and informative discussion group like this group for mathematics as well! Specifically, I'm looking for some discussion group which focuses on Matrix Algebra, Linear Algebra, Orthogonal Expansions or any other mathematical discussion groups for signal processing. It will indeed be of great help if someone could suggest me any links! Thanks in advance, ~Arijit

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University