IEEE Tr Speech/Audio special issue CFP (Dan Ellis )

Subject: IEEE Tr Speech/Audio special issue CFP
From:    Dan Ellis  <dpwe(at)EE.COLUMBIA.EDU>
Date:    Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:04:53 -0400

Dear List - Attached is the call for a special issue of IEEE Tr. Speech & Audio that I'm co-editing. We're trying to provide a focus for people working on the application of statistical techniques to perceptual-style sound processing etc. DAn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Call for Papers * The IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing Special Issue on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing Systems for automatic audio analysis fall into two broad camps: those based on statistical methods and models (e.g. current speech recognizers, independent component analysis), and those mimicking perceptual systems (exemplified by computational auditory scene analysis, as well as early approaches to speech recognition such as blackboards). Both these approaches have their merits, and their strengths appear complementary. The goal of this special issue is to collect work that integrates these two threads - using rigorous, statistical tools to exploit cues and processing analogous to those used by listeners. In this special issue we invite researchers to submit papers that combine perceptual and statistical principles, as applied to speech, music and audio analysis. Papers describing original and previously unpublished relevant research and new concepts are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics: * General audio analysis * Perceptual aspects of statistical algorithms * Speech analysis such as independent component analysis and * Music analysis non-negative matrix factorization. * Audio classification * Hybrid methods that use CASA-like cues in a * Speech recognition statistical framework, e.g. for separation * Signal separation or recognition. * Multi-channel analysis * Theoretical and empirical results on the * Computational Auditory unification of statistical and perceptually Scene Analysis (CASA) based approaches. This special issue is a sequel to the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing being held as a satellite to ICSLP-04 this October 2004 in Jeju, Korea: However, the special issue is a separate entity and participation in the workshop will not influence the special issue review process. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Prospective authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Information for Authors as published in any recent issue of the Transactions and as available on the web at: Note that all rules will apply with regard to submission lengths, mandatory overlength page charges, and color charges. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE manuscript submission system at: When selecting a manuscript type, authors must click on "Special Issue of T-SA on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing." Authors should follow the instructions for the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing and indicate in the Comments to the Editor-in-Chief that the manuscript is submitted for publication in the Special Issue on Statistical and Perceptual Audio Processing. We require a completed copyright form to be signed and faxed to 1-732-562-8905 at the time of submission. Please indicate the manuscript number on the top of the page. SCHEDULE Submission deadline: 31 January 2005 Notification of acceptance: 30 July 2005 Final manuscript due: 1 September 2005 Tentative publication date: January 2006 GUEST EDITORS Dr. Bhiksha Raj <bhiksha(at)> Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA. Dr. Malcolm Slaney <malcolm(at)> IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA. Dr. Daniel Ellis <dpwe(at)> Columbia University New York, NY. Dr. Paris Smaragdis <paris(at)> Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA. Dr. Judith Brown <brown(at)> Wellesley College, MA, Visiting Scientist at MIT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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DAn Ellis <>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University