135 dbSPL possible from commercial earphones / earpieces? ("Richard H." )

Subject: 135 dbSPL possible from commercial earphones / earpieces?
From:    "Richard H."  <auditory(at)AUGMENTICS.COM>
Date:    Tue, 29 Jun 2004 09:23:40 +0100

Hi, I have a hard-of-hearing family member wants to use a portable radio with earphones / earpieces ... but will need a LOT of audio power. [She has a conductive loss, so a simple power boost will be fine ... her hearing discrimination etc is normal] Before I go any buy any headphones or earpieces from the local hi-fi shop, can anyone tell me if 125 - 145 dbSPL is achievable with off-the-shelf headphones or earpieces? Or will they simply distort the sound and then fall to pieces? Thanks, regards, Richard (UK)

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