Re: Statistical foundation of jnd and critical bandwidth (William Hartmann )

Subject: Re: Statistical foundation of jnd and critical bandwidth
From:    William Hartmann  <hartmann(at)PA.MSU.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 10 May 2004 15:05:45 -0400

AM, For a yes/no task such as you describe, you need to find the hit rate and the false alarm rate. Then the JND is normally defined for a d-prime of approximately 1.0. Best, Bill Andrew Milne wrote: > > Dear List, > > When terms like critical bandwidth or just-noticeable-difference are used, > what is their statistical foundation? > > For instance, if I say that the JND for pitch is 5 cents (at a given > frequency, for a sample), for what percentage of responses would I expect > would I expect to get a "yes the pitch has changed" answer? > > Andy Milne

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