Re: Is correlation any good for pitch perception? (Eckard Blumschein )

Subject: Re: Is correlation any good for pitch perception?
From:    Eckard Blumschein  <Eckard.Blumschein(at)E-TECHNIK.UNI-MAGDEBURG.DE>
Date:    Mon, 19 Jan 2004 17:43:07 +0100

At 10:37 19.01.2004 -0500, Ramdas Kumaresan wrote: >Please do not equate spectrum and correlation. As Gerald Langner has shown: >Cepstrum/ACF/periodicity on the one hand and spectrum on the other hand are >two orthogonal representations of the same signal. > > > I wonder why ACF and spectrum are orthogonal representations and how did >Langner demonstrate that? Langner demonstrated by means of physiological studies that periodotopy is orthogonal to tonotopy within ICC. When I summarized cepstrum, ACF, and periodicity, this was of course a simplification. According to Wiener Chintchine theorem, ACF exactly equals the Fourier cosine transform of power density spectrum. The real-valued cepstrum is similar. Instead of rectification by squaring, the inner ear performs one-way rectification. Those who are not much interested in the nitty-gritty of mathematical variants might just compare how a simple sinusoid and a rectangular stimulus look and sound like: The spectrum of the pure tone is a single frequency. Its ACF resembles a comb. It sounds harmonical. The spectrum of the rectangle is comb-like. Its ACF is a single autocorrelation lag. It sounds sharp. Do not ask for unneccessary mathematical sophistication. If we got the essence, then the details are trivial, in principle. Eckard

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