Re: Criterion differences when measuring threshold ("Jesteadt, Walt" )

Subject: Re: Criterion differences when measuring threshold
From:    "Jesteadt, Walt"  <jesteadt(at)BOYSTOWN.ORG>
Date:    Wed, 21 Apr 2004 13:37:33 -0500

Ben, Lynn Marshall and I looked at criterion differences in threshold measurements for young and old normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners about 20 years ago (Marshall and Jesteadt, 1986, JSHR, 29, 82-91) because there was a silly theory at the time that a shift to more conservative criteria was an important factor in presbycusis. We found that listeners in a standard audiological testing procedure produce thresholds that are equivalent to 90 to 95% correct in a forced-choice procedure. There was no difference in response criterion as a function of age or hearing loss. Our bottom line summary was that in Nebraska, all listeners were conservative. Walt -----Original Message----- From: Ben Hornsby [mailto:ben.hornsby(at)VANDERBILT.EDU] Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:37 AM To: AUDITORY(at)LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Criterion differences when measuring threshold Hello All, I'm looking for information about potential criterion differences (during threshold testing and speech understanding testing) between young and elderly listeners. Specifically, is there evidence to suggest that a subject's criterion for responding "I heard it" can change when measuring thresholds in noise versus thresholds in quiet and does this change vary between young and elderly? Also any tip toward a reference discussing criterion differences between young and elderly on speech understanding tasks would be appreciated (I have Jerger et al (1988) Effect of response criterion on measures of speech understanding in the elderly). Thanks Much, Ben Benjamin W.Y. Hornsby, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center 1114 19th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37212 Phone: 615-936-5132 e-mail: ben.hornsby(at)

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