Post-doctoral position, electrophysiology, Baltimore ("Didier Depireux, PhD" )

Subject: Post-doctoral position, electrophysiology, Baltimore
From:    "Didier Depireux, PhD"  <ddepi001(at)UMARYLAND.EDU>
Date:    Mon, 19 Apr 2004 15:07:28 -0400

Post-Doctoral Position: Encoding of Dynamic Spectrum in Auditory Cortex One or more post-doctoral positions are available in the Program for Neurosciences of the School of Medicine of the University of Maryland in Baltimore, to work in the laboratory of Dr. Didier Depireux. The overall goal of the research is to determine how the shape of the acoustic spectrum, or spectro-temporal envelope, is represented in the neural responses of the auditory system (cortex and inferior colliculus) using the animal model of an awake and alert ferret. In our laboratory, we use a combination of electrophysiological recordings, psychophysical testing and system models to characterize response and encoding of features. The project involves correlated psychophysical studies in ferrets and human subjects. The successful candidate will have training experience in either psychoacoustics (with significant neuroscience interest or background), electrophysiology in animals, or a strong interest in applying theoretical and quantitative methods to the field of neuroscience. Programming experience, especially using MATLAB, would be extremely helpful. Salary will be according to the NIH pay scale. The position is available immediately, but a later start time may be negotiated. Please contact Didier Depireux at ddepi001(at) if interested. __ Didier A Depireux ddepi001(at) didier(at) 20 Penn Str - S218E Anatomy and Neurobiology Phone: 410-706-1272 (lab) University of Maryland -1273 (off) Baltimore MD 21201 USA Fax: 1-410-706-2512

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