Re: definition of 'real world sounds' (Toth Laszlo )

Subject: Re: definition of 'real world sounds'
From:    Toth Laszlo  <tothl(at)INF.U-SZEGED.HU>
Date:    Fri, 16 Apr 2004 10:19:05 +0200

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, susan allen wrote: > Hello, I would like a definition of 'real world sounds' Searching with Google, I've found the following: Real world sounds: Being "real world" means the sound occurs naturally in the real world. A sawing log is an example. A synthesized "blip" is not a real-world sound. (Well, according to this, the sound of a car alarm or ambulance is not a real-world sound either...) Laszlo Toth Hungarian Academy of Sciences * Research Group on Artificial Intelligence * "Failure only begins e-mail: tothl(at) * when you stop trying" *

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