Re: Difference between cognition and perception? ("John K. Bates" )

Subject: Re: Difference between cognition and perception?
From:    "John K. Bates"  <jkbates(at)COMPUTER.NET>
Date:    Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:59:05 -0400

Dear List, How about considering the following generalized definitions of perception and cognition? I think that they could apply to all systems, biological or manufactured, that use sensors for the purpose of optimizing performance and/or preventing failure. Perception: The process of receiving, separating, and presenting for interpretation the information contained in an incoming stream of data. Cognition: The process of interpreting the meanings of situations as represented by the displayed information. Comprehending these meanings enables an optimum response. These definitions were derived from my operational analysis of auditory perception available at: <> Best regards, John Bates

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