Post Doctoral Fellowship (Mari Jones )

Subject: Post Doctoral Fellowship
From:    Mari Jones  <jones.80(at)OSU.EDU>
Date:    Thu, 8 Apr 2004 12:20:16 -0400

Applications are being accepted now for a post-doctoral fellowship in Cognitive Psychology that is available in auditory attention, music perception and dynamical systems beginning as early as August 2004. Applicants with interests in computational modeling are encouraged to apply. Anticipated fellowship period is 12-18 months. Annual stipend is approximately $32,000. Applications to: Prof. Mari Riess Jones, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, 1885 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210 with evidence of scholarship and research interests plus three letters of reference. See website: The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Mari Riess Jones Professor Department of Psychology Townshend Hall The Ohio State University Columbus, OHIO 43210 phone: 614-292-4206 email: jones.80(at) fax: 614-688-3984 ROAR Lab Web site:

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