Re: Sensimetrics' Headset Listening device (jan schnupp )

Subject: Re: Sensimetrics' Headset Listening device
From:    jan schnupp  <jan.schnupp(at)PHYSIOL.OX.AC.UK>
Date:    Fri, 2 Apr 2004 10:40:05 +0100

Dear Peter and List, I don't know that much about solving speech-in-noise problems, but I do know a thing or two about pinna filtering, and I would be surprised if pinna filtering was a big factor. The reason is that the relatively small structures of the pinna have their greatest effects on short wavelengths, and consequently pinna filtering effects are relatively small for frequencies up to 4 kHz. Big notches are not expected until about 7 or 8 kHz. In other words, by the time pinna filtering really kicks in, we are already beyond the frequency range where most of the speech signal is carried. Regards, Jan Peter Lennox wrote: >Am I right in thinking that a headset-type array cannot incorporate any of >the pinnae filtering part of the HRTF? - isn't this particularly important >for the speech-in-noise problem? Even using a capsule either side of the >head, so that at least you have duplex components and so some of the hrtf >would behave properly, surely the lack of pinnae effects would be serous? - >sorry if this is a naive question. It just seems to me that ideally, a >hearing aid would make up for amplitude-with frequency loss within the >context of the HRTF - ideally, wouldn't one wish to exaggerate pinnae >notches to make up for the loss, or is this simply not possible? >regards >ppl >----- Original Message ----- >From: "Patrick Zurek" <pat(at)SENS.COM> >To: <AUDITORY(at)LISTS.MCGILL.CA> >Sent: 01 April 2004 18:33 >Subject: Sensimetrics' Headset Listening device > > > -------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Jan Schnupp University Laboratory of Physiology St Peter's College Oxford University New Inn Hall Street Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK Oxford OX1 2PL Tel (01865) 272513 Tel (01865) 278889 Fax (01865) 272469

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