Vestibular sectioning, and, OAEs (Matt Flax )

Subject: Vestibular sectioning, and, OAEs
From:    Matt Flax  <flatmax(at)>
Date:    Tue, 30 Mar 2004 18:29:26 +1000

Hello, I am interested in the experimental findings of TEOAEs applied to subjects after Vestibular sectioning. This is supposed to cut all efferent signalling to the ipsilateral ear. It is found that sectioning stops contralateral TEOAE suppression [1]. This is understandable, as the contralateral stimulus waveform has no path to the ipsilateral ear. Further the implications of sectioning and OAE application prove that a majority of the signal is generated and possibly shaped within the cochlear and neural system of the OoC/spiral Ganglion. I do notice that in a figure comparing TEOAEs in sectioned and normal ears ([1], Fig. 1), that it is possible that the OAE decay rate is reduced - i.e. they last longer without efferent signaling. I am interested in other opinions and references people are aware of, including Spontaneous OAE findings when the Vestibular nerve is sectioned. [1] Hine, J.E. et. al., Hearing Research 1997, (108) pages 28-36 -- WSOLA TimeScale Audio Mod : FFTw C++ : Vector Bass : Multimedia Time Code :

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